Architecture Of The Golden Ring Of Russia

Spring and summer is the time to leave home, the time to travel and the discovery of new, nice place to relax. Someone prefers to bask in the sun abroad under a palm tree and drinking soft drinks. Some people prefer an active vacation in the mountains on bicycles. Someone try to remain calm and goes to a boarding house or hospital, not only to give rest to his body, and restore health. Especially popular in recent years, holiday in Russia.

We have so much places to see them! And how many pluses in these trips – no need to issue a passport, visa help, endure air travel and acclimatization. You only need to order a vehicle, a route, stock up on groceries and good humor – and go! One of the most popular routes – the Golden Ring of Russia. It is a complex designed tours, a set of landmarks which have survived from ancient times and presented to tourists. The main city of the Golden Ring – Vladimir. He is known for its buildings, the architecture that was created back in 15-18 centuries.

Sergiev Posad is famous for its monasteries and cathedrals, the building which dates back to 15-19 centuries. Pereslavl-Zaleski – a wonderful city, has long been famous for its monasteries, some of which are for 3-4 centuries! Rostov – the pearl of the Golden Ring, which brings together the oldest city in Russia. Considerable cultural potential of the city made him one of the major centers of tourism and pilgrimage. Rostov is included in the special program of cooperation between the Council of Europe and Russia to preserve historical and cultural heritage. The city of Yaroslavl is famous for its temples 17-18 century, which laid the foundation for more in the 13 century! Kostroma – a very old town, order the building which gave herself Catherine II. Key Kostroma is a historic monument Ipatiev monastery. It was first mentioned in chronicles in 1432, but was founded much earlier – in 1330-ies. Ivan’s not for nothing is the city of brides, because there are so many beautiful Girls! But this is not the only attraction of the ancient city. In the architectural plan of Ivanovo is known first and foremost monuments belonging to the era of constructivism (30-ies of XX century.): House-boat, house shoe, etc. In the city There are many historical and revolutionary sites, giving him a unique flavor. And in Suzdal is even your own citadel, built before the 10 th century. It is very interesting architecture has been preserved to our days. Every city is interesting in its own way and each deserves special attention traveler. We recommend you to enjoy the beauty and ancient monasteries, churches and enrich their experiences about the rest!

National Agenda Health

As carried through study, between 30% and 50% of the adult population of industrialized countries they use some form of PIC to prevent or to treat some problem related to the health. In another research, it enters the years of 1997 and 2002 in the United States, they is esteem that 35% of the adult population (about 72 million people) use some type of PIC (7). Recent studies affirm a world-wide trend of growth of practical not conventional in the field of the health, and of legislation for its integration in the national systems of health. Thus, the PIC come gradual being inserted in the SUS, as it foresees Practical the National Politics of Integrativas and Complementares in the SUS. However, even so this thematic one is also enclosed in the National Agenda of Priorities of Research in Health, has scarcity of studies published in this area. The World-wide Organization of the Health points as great challenges the accomplishment of cost-effectiveness studies, as well as of security, effectiveness and quality of such practical, beyond establishing the clinical situations in which they can be applied (7, 9).

Promotion of the Health in the Practical Scope of the Integrativas and Complementares in Brazil the occured transformations mainly from the decades of 1950 and 1960, in the Brazilian economic structure, over all the advance of the industrialization process, had determined significant alterations in the social sphere, politics, demographic and epidemiologist. The cities had grown, swelling its peripheral spaces and not satisfying the necessities existenciais of its inhabitants. From now on, the occured changes in the work process (position in the occupation, rhythm, I number of worked hours, etc.) had significantly modified the dynamics in the way of life of the population. They had been verified, still, transformations in the style (alcohol tobaccoism, consumption, sexual behavior, physical activity, locomotion, dedicated time the leisure, medicalizao, etc.) and in the conditions of life (feeding, habitation, sanitation, access to the water, destination of the garbage, education, access the goods and services, etc.) (10).

Happy Sunday

“Sunday travel with many advantages and more Sunday travelling comfort with happy Sunday” with many advantages, personally tested hotels with a difference, and many included extra services promises the new online organizer, specialising in short breaks in Germany. Special events or special arrangements that exist in this form only in are the hallmark of the tour operator. For example the happy Sunday “offerings of, with which guests can enjoy a little more comfort and individuality: If the hotels are empty for the Sunday and other guests on his way home, customers can start their short journey Sunday advantages.” The car is usually jam-free on Sunday morning and Monday is no waiting in the spa or on the golf course. In certain hotels currently each guest will also receive an extra sweet, like for example a hay flower bath in the Burghotel Dinklage, a sea salt scrub in the Columbia Hotel Bad Griesbach or a bottle of sparkling wine in the Bollant BBs in the Park. “In short: with the happy Sunday” short breaks by enjoy more power and attention. “Happy Sunday” examples: Columbia Hotel Bad Griesbach * / Bavaria golf trip: 3 days Golf 2 x 2 “, 2xuF, 2 x green fee, 1 x Golf Club Sagmuhle, 1 x Golf Club Uttlau, 1 x four-course dinner package Galleria”, Columbia Wohlfuhlpackerl, 1 x sea salt peeling u.v.m. per person from 299 euros for Sunday’s arrival of the are 24.08.08 Burghotel Dinklage Vila Vita * / Lower Saxony wellness trip: 3 days “Balm for the soul”, 2xuF in a double room, 2 x 3-course pampering menu”, 1 x relaxing partial body massage in facilities the Castle thermal baths, 1 x creamy algae mousse body scrub, use the Castle Spa with all free accessible, hay flower bath u.v.m. per person from 255 euros as arrival Sunday by the 27.07 24.08.08 Bollant BBs in the Park * / Rhineland-Palatinate wellness trip: 3 days Asia enchantment”, 2xuF, 1 x Asiabad (steam bath with colour therapy, Seifenschaum-Massage, oil bath, full body rub, then relax on the Japanese indeed-Ami platform), 1 x healing mud full body rub in the herbal steam bath, 2 x a 4-course menu in the romantic restaurants, use the bollant.SPA”Wellness Center, wellness basket and bollant.SPA collection”, 1 bottle of sparkling wine u.v.m per person 399 euro E.g. on Sunday arrival of the 03.08 24.08.08 info and more offers see,, Tel.

Healthy Heart, Healthy Back

Vibration training – new Galaxy sports and leisure park-Alzey once – from space to Alzey is now available also new Galaxy puts sports and leisure park-Alzey, a prevention concept a healthy back with Galileo. Mr Neumer is excited about this kind of training: our concept is based on the pillars of a healthy heart, a healthy back, maintain a healthy weight. The prevention concept a healthy back with Galileo seamlessly in our offer. “The new back school -“A healthy back with Galileo “, was developed in cooperation with health insurance companies and scientifically accompanied by the University of Duisburg/Essen. Up to 100% assured the price get statutory sickness funds according to 20 ABS. 1 SGB V from the health insurance company reimbursed. The Galileo vibration platform is the standard vibration platform for use in the field of medicine and the best scientifically investigated system. It offers the optimum combination of wellness, fitness and health.

With the Galileo system, customers can Perform balance training, muscle relaxation and muscle building. “Do for me” course at the Club for the older generation “not only ensures a healthy back, but encourages social contact among participants and is just plain fun! All of our participants are excited after a very short time and would no longer stop”so Mr Neumer new Galaxy sports and leisure park-Alzey aims to keep healthy in the advanced age. This we develop solutions which animate and regular exercise help to resolve health problems or do not arise. Through targeted movement request, older people should accept the age-typical changes in your body and increase your mobility, independence and thus the quality of life and well-being.

Hotel Safety

Specificity of security in the hotel business is simple. Typically, the hotel is a separate multi-storey building with one main entrance and several office. In addition to residential rooms in the building often located restaurant and bar, game room and beauty, sometimes the casino. Typically, several floors are reserved for business purposes: it placed the administration of hotels, private offices, conference halls and meeting rooms. On other floors are residential facilities. Thus, the main difficulty in designing security systems hotel linked to the chaotic movement of a large number of visitors.

It is necessary to comply the main condition. A set of measures should not only provide customers with the hotel and its staff to protect against possible accidents, but also allow them to feel confident, relaxed and comfortable. Hotels as objects of security are fundamental differences from the industrial and sensitive sites. The administration is very interested in creating the image of an "open house" from providing preferential treatment for the maximum number of guests, so that any security device should not draw the attention of visitors, but at the same time, provide a sense of personal safety and comfort. Hotels, most often found in the city limits, in an environment of active movement of vehicles and pedestrians. The system passes to the hotel and the rooms should be as simple and not create great difficulties for the guests. In relation to the hotel complex the concept of security includes not only protection from professional attacks, but an even greater extent, the creation of preventive measures to protect against fire, accidents, unreasonable interference with the personal and business lives of guests, staff abuse, and other factors of discomfort. In addition, the optimal solution in the field of security should help to improve the technology of hotel services.