
” The happy people remember but positive events of which in fact they happened and forget more the events negativos” Dr. Martin E.P. Seligman As a result of an extensive search on the true happiness, psychologist Maritn E.P. Seligman reached very interesting conclusions and one of them is that the people with genetic tendency to the happiness forget the negative events with much facility and tend to remember positive events frequently and they even get to invent them if they did not happen. As we already know, the importance of being happy is grandsima then we cannot attract positive things if we are in negative states. For this week I would like recomendarte the following tips that they will help once and for all deshacerte of the negatividad that as much affects your life, your health, your economy and your relations.

Tip #1 Recuerda or invents so many positive events as it is possible to you. It on a daily basis takes minutes during this week to remember the happiest events of your life, obtains to a newspaper and titlalo: The things that to fascinate to me to remember, writes graceful anecdotes, experiences and situations and positive floods of happiness and outcomes. Tip # 2 Expande your you limit of happiness. In you yourself newspaper it abre a called section That so happy it could get to be? and it lets run your imagination thinking about the things that could sucederte and that you would make happier than never you have been. Some ideas: What objectives I have when they were fulfilled would return to me crazy from happiness? What would fascinate places to me to visit? In which it was of the humanity would be very happy living? What things would give a maximum state me of happiness? Tip # 3 Despgate of the negative memories. When your mind goes away towards the past, some negative event for advertirte that can be repeated or recordarte that you do not have to trust olvdalo, you do not follow the game to your mind and beam to him of account that negative event did not happen. It imagines that you have a magical rough draft that allows you to erase of the mind those negative experiences and brralas, later when you feel attemped to remember them mental beam one notita for acordarte of which that event no longer exists. – You liked east article?