
The reason that a large proportion of cases of chronic kidney disease (glomerulonephritis or pyelonephritis) correct diagnosis is made late, only when it is expressed in chronic renal insufficiency. A careful examination of the patient, repeatedly carried out test samples of urine sediment, and crops to identify the flora in the urine and its resistance to chemotherapeutic agents and antibiotics, and check the level of urea serum creatinine, serum electrolytes – sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, phosphorus, if necessary – a more complex instrumental studies (X-ray, isotope and morphological), the precise clinical assessment and nature of kidney disease and their functional state – must precede treatment. Inadequate and incomplete research in kidney disease, late introduction of correct mode of treatment and can cause severe consequences of acute and chronic glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis. Acute renal failure aetiology and pathogenesis. Acute renal failure shows a sudden sharp decrease in urine output of less than 300 ml.

The most common causes of kidney failure are: impaired blood flow to the kidneys (cardiovascular failure, massive hemorrhage, sepsis), toxic effects (heavy metals, drugs, etc.), a massive cytolysis (intravascular hemolysis by transfusion of blood gruppovonesovmestimoy, myoglobinuria with severe trauma, massive burns), severe violations of water-electrolyte balance, renal tubular damage, blockage of the urinary tract (nephrolithiasis, changes in the prostate gland neoplasms), etc. Often, acute renal failure occurs in the hard place of internal medicine – the so-called extrarenal azotemia and hepato-renal syndrome. In the initial stages of acute renal failure, especially in cases of violation of the dynamics and dizelektrolitemiey properly conducted intensive treatment can lead to complete recovery of renal function. The clinical picture. Oliguric phase can last from 2-3 to 20-30 days with a gradual increase in serum Blood levels of creatinine, calcium and hydrogen cations. Evolving clinical picture of uremia. The next phase – poliuricheskaya. Gradually increasing the amount of urine, which can reach 5-10 liters per day.

Methods Of Cosmetology In The Fight Against Ingrown Hairs

The concept is not limited to cosmetic beauty salons, beauty clinics, wealth care products for skin and body shops. Under this area of medicine involve the combination of scientific achievements and advanced technologies, discoveries, whose purpose is to maintain and preserve human health, image, and help in resettlement. Modern Beauty is not static, it evolves into several directions: the creation of personal hygiene, conservative policies to improve the skin, the development of products in the field of decorative cosmetics and development of methods of plastic surgery. Science is constantly trying to find solutions to the problems of aging skin. Today's beauty industry – a synthesis of the search of specialists, scientific achievements and efforts of man himself.

A common cosmetic defect – ingrown hairs associated with the incorrect removal of hair, usually in the home. Improper shaving, electrolysis, waxing is that hair is removed is not fully part of it remains under the skin, which in turn turn coarsens after epilation procedures, and this interferes with the normal growth of hair, and he begins to grow inside her bag. Foreign body, formed inside the hair follicle causes symptoms – redness, itching, inflammation. Self you only worsen the situation: as a result of squeezing, pulling suppuration may occur, pigmentation. Contact the professional who will advise the appropriate how safe hair removal and appoint co-treatment. Dermatologists today have effective methods to combat ingrown hairs – hair removal and bioepilation. Epilation is based on the action light waves, which destroys the hair follicle. With this method may remove the hair in almost all areas of the skin.

An important advantage is the absence of allergic reactions after process, its long-term, the skin is not injured. However, there are several contraindications to the use of photo-epilation: acute and chronic skin diseases, varicose disease at this venue procedures, infectious diseases, malignant neoplasms of the skin, and pregnancy. Thirty days before the procedure to eliminate all forms of hair removal than shaving. The most optimal length of hair during This cosmetic manipulation of 1 mm. Between courses hair removal advisable to carry out bioepilation – removal of unwanted hair with a mixture of wax and other additional substances in certain proportions. Experienced doctors, beauticians advise conduct these types of hair removal in the complex, relying on their safety and effectiveness.


Acne, acne – skin diseases, which periodically occur in adolescence and can continue for quite some time. Acne – an inflammatory disease of the skin caused by changes in the hair follicle and sebaceous glands. The causes of acne are quite varied, including distinguished: hormones, hyperactive sebaceous glands, accumulation of dead skin cells, bacteria, stress. As a result, the pores become clogged thickened product of the sebaceous glands, and there are bacteria, which leads acne. On the severity of acne is divided by the average light heavy form. Before treatment is mandatory Consult your doctor cosmetologist. The first thing you need to understand – in any case squeeze pimples yourself.

At the first appearance of acne, you have to diagnose and determine what has caused the disease. AND after a cause of inflammation of the sebaceous glands, and determine the type of acne, you can start treatment. There is a larger amount of drugs and methods to combat acne. Acne is a disease and it should be treated. Have Healthy clear skin is quite real. Online pharmacies and beauty salons have a large selection of acne.

Our site will help you to understand this diversity and make recommendations on the choice of medical masks pharmaceuticals cosmetics. In addition, here you will find methods of application of acne, as well as tips on how to clean your skin imperfections. The popular acne cure tips to help you with minimal cost to defeat the disease. In addition to medicines for acne there are several preventive measures that reduce the risk of acne, most often produces a change of personal linen pillow cases and towels, etc., in the morning and evening to do cleansing, not soap, and a special tool that is appropriate for your skin, do not squeeze pimples, because it provokes the emergence of new, be sure to wash off makeup before going to bed, exercise, do morning exercises, how to move more and visit the open air, daily drink about 2 liters of fluid. Useful articles on beauty and health, please visit our site.

Safe Weight Loss

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And while neither chuvstvagoloda. No dizziness. Nor depressed. No ammonia odor izorta like starving. And this feeling of lightness throughout the body. Not for nothing that diet chosen, and recommend one another of our stars of Russian show business, politicians and tv presenters. As we have already 'star' diet lose weight dramatically Queen Margaret Hope Babkin, Anita Choi, Nicholas Basque, a number of politicians. Scheme Diet can be found in the source.