In the Timeu, Plato makes a cosmology. An attempt to explain the sprouting of the Universe running away the question from the myth. In this point it fails, therefore the Timeu still is very imprisoned the idea of a creator, the demiurge, as placed for this. Although this, it obtains a workmanship riqussima in details that try to cure some left conceptual holes throughout other workmanships. What it will be important in the Timeu they are the concepts of soul and its joint with the body. Although to deal with a cosmogonia basically, the Timeu speaks sufficiently of the question of the soul, however, this more is directed to the Soul of the World. What more he is evidenced is the creation of the soul, however, also exists an intrinsic relation of this with the illnesses of the body.
In the measure where each one of these facultieses of the soul is responsible for a part of the body, when these facultieses fail, the body adoece. These facultieses also command the body becoming it functional, but in the occasion of its death, only the rational soul it will remain. Later, Plato makes a dismemberment of the soul, counting as it was created from the finite (the other), of the infinite (the same) and one third substance. Created for the demiurge, and, being in such a way, only the capable one to contemplate the Intelligible World. One sees in such a way, that the soul was made to command the body, however, many times, who is the body commands the soul. In the end of all the process, that is, after the death, the soul is another time without the sensible parts that it had been increased. Returning to the state purely spiritual, the soul is as initially it met.