
In the nursing consultation the professional of Health is an instrument where the woman who looks attendance searchs orientaes and to act with autonomy, to decide and to face situations that occur in its lives. He is in the nursing consultations that are carried through an educative action that it aims at to show to the woman the procedures that it will have that to act in front of a difficulty, to take off its doubts in relation to the aleitamento maternal and to live this experience in positive way thus having the success in breast-feeding. This data strengthen that the nursing consultation is an educative form in which the woman who looks attendance and the nurse, who manages the consultation, can offer a learning of basic importance. In accordance with the carried through research the professionals of Nursing find that it is of basic importance the consultation, therefore are at this moment who will have a closer contact with the mother and will have the chance to take off doubts and to clarify eventual problems. The meetings, according to interviewed, are of much importance, therefore for the same reason that the nursing consultation, in them will be boarded important subjects with the importance of the aleitamento. As Giuliani and Lamounier (2004) beyond if knowing the advantages of breast-feeding and having the knowledge on the handling and the prevention of problems that occur in breast-feeding, the nursing professional to have to have a support material so that the mothers and its familiar ones absorb durantes meetings and the nursing consultations. It is important that the mothers really feel themselves motivated and to believe that to suckle its son is an option that will go to benefit it for all its life. In the nursing consultations the nursing professional is enabled to guide how many the measures that aim at the preparation of the seio for breast-feeding and possible you doubt decurrent it.

Health Department

Although some countries had not obtained to reach the goal proposal for (OMS), including Brazil, the stated period needed to be coats and extending for 2005 and later for 2010 (MORAL, 2010). The prevalence of hansenase in Brazil in 1990 was of 18,5 of cases in and 10.000 inhabitants, passing the 3,88 for 10.000 inhabitants in 2003 with a significant reduction, however hansenase still if titula with a problem of public health (WEDGE et al, 2007). According to, it had a reduction of 30% of new cases of hansenase, the graph below shows a reduction enters the year of 2003 2008.Figura9: Numbers of cases of hansenase in Brazil enter year 2003 the 2008. Source: Blacksmith et al., (2009), the World-wide Organization of Sade (OMS) presented the current situation in the world and Brazil in accordance with given of 2008, he was registered 249,000 new cases of Hansenase in 127 countries. The countries with bigger incidence of the illness are Angola, Bangladesh, Brazil, China, the Congo, India, Etipia, Indonesia, Madagascar, Moambique, Nepal, Nigria, Phillipino, Srilanka, Sudan and Tanznia.

okNo Brazil the reached areas more are the regions North, Center-West and Northeast with high detention of new cases of hansenase in comparison the regions of the South and Southeast (HEALTH DEPARTMENT, 2008). The individual imunolgicas conditions are a factor that influences in the risk of adoecer for hansenase, the socioeconmicas conditions and cultural, between them the levels of distribution and propagation of endemic disease are related as the life conditions precarious and of health, low escolaridade and the number of people coexisting in the same surrounding and immigratory movements facilitate the expansion of illness (AMARAL; LANA, 2008).

The Hospital

It is observed that the pathology if presents each more complex time of the clinical point of view on the part of the health professionals (NIEDERMAN et al., 2006). Cesar et al. (1997, P. 54) he informs in them that the acute respiratory infections are responsible for one tero of the deaths and half of hospitalizations and medical consultations between five year minors in the developing countries. The pneumonia, its more serious consequence, kills about 800 children to each hour, with 53% of these deaths occurring in the period after-neonatal. Corroborating this reflection, it enters the multiple factors of risk for the percentile raised one of mortality between minors are the low socioeconmico level, low weight to the rising malnutrition, fails in breast-feeding, familiar agglomeration, pollution in the environment and the domicile. More recently, also the chiados day-care centers and previous episodes had been added frequency of in the chest (VICTORA et al., 1995).

One affirms that of the patologias that acometem the man, none makes use of as much criterion for classification of diagnosis how much the pneumonias. The difficulties faced for the professional of health in classifying the type of pneumonia alone demonstrate that it is more easy to treat it that to classify it. The consequncia of all problem takes the sick individual to an inadequate treatment (TARANTINO, 1997). Cardoso et al. (2001) it defines the CAP as a pathology of infectious origin that attacks the patient rejection of the hospital environment or that it appears in first the 48 hours of the admission of the patient, or better, the sick person acquired the pathology in the community, and can have been caused for bacteria, virus or fungos. The main .causing agents of the CAP are bacterial and viral etiology as Haemophilus influenzae, aureus Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus, bacilli gram negative and legionellas SP, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Clammydia pneumoniae and Klebsiella pneumoniae.

The Masculine

The instrument for collection of data was a questionnaire (appendix 1), structuralized with 3 open questions where it was filled in the workstation of the interviewed ones. The research did not involve risks for the citizens, being the same ones questioned concerning the education for health carried through for nurses on DST to the group of the third age. The secrecy of the collected information and the anonymity of the informers had been guaranteed, in the presentation the names of the participants will not be cited thus being will not bring risks to the same ones having followed the norms of resolution 196/96 on the ethical aspects in research. the research was approved by the Committee of Ethics in Research of the City department of Round health in return. The period for collection of data was of April the May of 2010.

After the collection of data the questionnaires had been analyzed and the reply they had been grouped in categories. ' ' Questionnaire is a set of questions, systematically articulated that if destine to raise it information written for parts of the citizens searched with sights to know the opinion of the same ones on the subjects of estudo' '. 14 III – ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF the DATA the data analyze had been submitted it and after to examine the speech of the nurses of UBS and UBSF concerning the education for health on DST to the group of the third age and successive readings of the depositions, the given questions had been grouped in categories. We evidence that 96,6% of the deponents are of feminine sex and 3,3 of the masculine sex and that 63.3% of these act in UBS and UBSF of 1 the 6 years and 36.7% with bigger period that 6 years; 73.3% possess specialization with bigger focus in health of the family and 26.7% do not possess specialization.

Barrier Favor

Person who orientates: Luciana Loyal ngelo Fields Summary Is about a quantitative research of character descriptive exploratrio whose objective is to analyze the main factors that lead to unchain osteoporose in special in the aged woman above of 60 years of age, as well as evaluating its knowledge about this illness, beyond informing them of the importance of the good alimentary habits for the prevention and treatment of the studied pathology, searching next to these alternative women to cure some consequences that can come to acometer them. The research was carried through in the city of Barrier, with sampling of 20 aged women, not possessing no criterion of exclusion. The collection of data was developed by means of the application of a questionnaire structuralized composed for 11 closed questions.

The data had been analyzed with simple statistics in form of graphs. Through the research, a significant amount of risk factors was verified that can favor for the development of osteoporose, confirming, thus the necessity of an educative work, not only with the aged ones, but also with the children in the direction to contribute it stops one better agreement with regard to this pathology and consequentemente to favor planejamentos futures and efficient behaviors for one better quality of life.

National Agenda Health

As carried through study, between 30% and 50% of the adult population of industrialized countries they use some form of PIC to prevent or to treat some problem related to the health. In another research, it enters the years of 1997 and 2002 in the United States, they is esteem that 35% of the adult population (about 72 million people) use some type of PIC (7). Recent studies affirm a world-wide trend of growth of practical not conventional in the field of the health, and of legislation for its integration in the national systems of health. Thus, the PIC come gradual being inserted in the SUS, as it foresees Practical the National Politics of Integrativas and Complementares in the SUS. However, even so this thematic one is also enclosed in the National Agenda of Priorities of Research in Health, has scarcity of studies published in this area. The World-wide Organization of the Health points as great challenges the accomplishment of cost-effectiveness studies, as well as of security, effectiveness and quality of such practical, beyond establishing the clinical situations in which they can be applied (7, 9).

Promotion of the Health in the Practical Scope of the Integrativas and Complementares in Brazil the occured transformations mainly from the decades of 1950 and 1960, in the Brazilian economic structure, over all the advance of the industrialization process, had determined significant alterations in the social sphere, politics, demographic and epidemiologist. The cities had grown, swelling its peripheral spaces and not satisfying the necessities existenciais of its inhabitants. From now on, the occured changes in the work process (position in the occupation, rhythm, I number of worked hours, etc.) had significantly modified the dynamics in the way of life of the population. They had been verified, still, transformations in the style (alcohol tobaccoism, consumption, sexual behavior, physical activity, locomotion, dedicated time the leisure, medicalizao, etc.) and in the conditions of life (feeding, habitation, sanitation, access to the water, destination of the garbage, education, access the goods and services, etc.) (10).


FINAL CONSIDERAES We conclude that this work in provided knowledge to them on the autismo before unknown or disregarded by in, facilitating the diagnosis of practises clinic before the boarded subject. The mental health approaches innumerable specialties, therefore it is interesting to go deep itself on subjects to this type of illness. In this process we can perceive predominant factors how much to the development of the carrying children of autismo, as well as factors constitutional how much to the interatividade relation. This work facilitated the learning describing the definitions that guide the diagnosis and emphasizing that the autista possesss capacities that always must be valued, difficulty all has, but and necessary if to go deep a study as this to learn to treat the autista as a normal human being. In short we can say that the work as well as study on infantile autismo guided in them so that professional let us be enabled to giving to it on this subject, not devaluating the child, but yes treating so that it can be part of the world surrounds that it. The treatment is also understood that as well as all the children the carriers of the autismo possess individual particularitities, therefore must be differentiated for each type of patient since each one possesss a different pathological gravity one of the other.

Necessary beyond everything to see the autista with a multicriteria clinical look so that its type of behavior is identified, therefore each one of them of the preference the moments and distinct environments. The child who possesss a professional accompaniment has evolution chance better, therefore exactly being one less abrasive insanity the understanding of a specialist is of basic importance for the improvement of the development of the child. DATA OF AUTHORS Bianca Ariani End: Square Souto Soares Tel: 77 81030712 Clria Queiroz End: Tel: Dbora Silva End: Av. ACM. 1310 Tel: 77 – 88030440 Dborah Mariellen End: Tel: Sara Rodrigues End: Tel: Emerson End Mafia: Tel: REFERENCES ALBUQUERQUE, C.A. ; CROSS, M.C.S. ; RUTHES, B.L. General panorama on the Autstico Upheaval.

Curitiba: The Mosaic, 2009, p.1-11. Available in: Access in: 25 abr. 2010. ALMEIDA, P.D; DRATCU, L; LARANJEIRA, Manual R. of Psychiatry. Vol. 01. Rio De Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan, 1996. BOSA, Cleonice; CALLIAS, Maria. Autismo: soon revision of different boardings. Porto Alegre: Psicol. Reflex. Crit. v.13 n.1 2000, P. 270-272. Available in: Access in: 20 abr. 2010. CARVALHEIRA, G.; VERGANI, N.; BRUNONI, Genetic D. of the autismo. So Paulo: Rev. Bras. Psiquiatr. v.26, N. 4, 2004, P. 270-272. Available in: Access in: 25 abr. 2010. BRAZIL. Health department. 2007. It would carry n 3,211 of 20 of December of 2007. Available in: . Access in 08 of May of 2010. BRENNER, E.M. ; JESUS, D.M.N. Manual of Planning and Presentation of Academic Works: Project of Research, Monograph and article. So Paulo: Atlases, 2007. BERLINCK, M.T. Basic Psicopatologia. So Paulo: Listening, 2000. DALLY, P.; HARRINGTON, H. Psychology and psychiatry in the nursing. So Paulo: EPU: ed. of the university of So Paulo, 2002. MORAES, C – Infantile Autismo, in. PsiqWeb, Internet, available in, 2004. Had access in 2010. MORRIS, C.G.; MAISTO. the Introduction to psychology. 6 ed. So Paulo: Prentice hall, 2004. SPRINGHOUSE. Psychiatric nursing – Easy Incrivelmente. 1 ed. Rio De Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan, 2006. SOUZA, J.C. ; GUIMARES, L.A.M. ; BALLONE, G.J. Basic Psicopatologia and Psiquiatria. So Paulo: UCDB, 2004.

Illnesses Increases

The resistance the action of the leptina or its deficiency of leptina, increases the NPY concentration that increases the food consumption and can take the obesidade (ALVES, 2008). The resistance the leptina can be a typical characteristic of the obesidade, with the hypothesis of that this resistance is attributed to a deficiency in its system of transport in the hematoenceflica barrier (BAYNES, 2000). The grelina is another regulating hormone of the energy rocking, it increases the alimentary ingestion and diminishes the energy expense, produced mainly for the stomach. It is regulated through nutricionais factors and hormonais, its plasmtica concentration is increased during jejum and diminishes feeding after, however studies had shown that the plasmtica concentration of the grelina in obesos individuals does not diminish the feeding after, what could justify the increase of the alimentary consumption and this fact would involve the grelina with the fisiopatologia of the obesidade (EGUCHI et al., 2008). 3.5.5 Illnesses associates to the obesidade the obesidade increases the incidence of illnesses associates, the individuals with overweight or obesos, present great possibilities to develop diverse types of illnesses as: ortopdicas complications, psychological problems, pulmonary illnesses, of diabetic type 2 suffers of obesidade, this due this illness to be caused by a resistance the insulina and with the increase of the adiposas cells I number, it of insulina receivers diminishes (BORSATO et al., 2008). The hipertenso in the obesidade this associate to the increase of the cardiac debit, taxes cardiopath and volume to intravascular.

The levels of triglicerdeos and cholesterol in the blood also suffer increase and can take the coronary problems. The osteoartrite is consequence of the weight increase and can be developed on the joints, mainly ankles and knees (BORSATO et al., 2008). Obesidade and diabetes the distribution of corporal fat is an important factor to be observed inside of the context of the obesidade, therefore its complications do not depend only on> has weight excess (OLIVEIRA et al., 2010).

So Paulo

The decurrent complications of the obesidade are several, since diabetes, hipertenso infarto acute of the myocardium, amongst others. does not think that the inhibiting medicine use of appetite is the made right solution more. All the people who take remedies need medical lapsing and accompaniment of a doctor, therefore the inhibiting calls of appetite have made that nor always they are favorable. is clearly must have behavior change, also in the alimentary habits, therefore of the one not to take these medicines to the life all. Then it uses to advantage the tips to follow, it associates exercises, balanced diet and healthful habits, for who it knows to arrive at the summer in good optimum form and with more health and quality of life. It confers the 14 goals of the alimentary education, indicated for the Center of Reference in Nutrition of the College of Public Health of the University of So Paulo (USP). 1) It makes of 5 the 6 meals per day. 2) Fruits in the dessert and the snacks.

3) It eats vegetables and vegetables in the lunch and the supper. 4) The portion of meat must be of the size of the palm of the hand. 5) It changes the animal fat for vegetable and consummates with moderation. 6) It moderates in the sugars and candies. 7) It diminishes the rich salt and foods in sodium. 8) It consummates milk or derived in the recommended amount. 9) It consummates at least 1 portion of integral cereal. 10) It eats a portion of leguminosas per day.

11) It reduces the alcohol. It prevents the daily consumption. 12) It at least drinks 2 liters of water per day. 13) It makes every day at least 30 minutes of physical activity. 14) It appreciates its meal. It eats to devagar. still the five tips left for the endocrinologistas in the program welfare, shown in day 21/09/2011.

Control Etria

In the City of Salvador, in years 50 and 60 of the last century they were known focos of infection for the S. mansoni in areas of the urban perimeter (Levee of the Toror) and in lagoons located in more peripheral quarters (e.g., Placaford, Park of Pituau, Jaguaribe and adjacencies, among others) 6 natural. From year 2001, in the City of Salvador it was greater the advance of the process of municipalizao of the services of assistance to the health and for this time passed to be observed the increasing number of lapsing of oxamniquine or praziquantel on the part of doctors of some teams of the Program of Health of Famlia (PSF) of the Railroad Suburb. This index of cases in the quarter of Bartolomeu occurs for the socioeconmico degree of this population. The actions of control of esquistossomose come being adopted in systematic and including way since 1976, with specific medication availability, tolerated well, of easy administration and good esquistossomicida power (MS, 1977). Mainly based in the accomplishment of coproscpicos inquiries in the population of 7 the 14 years and selective chemotherapy (treatment of carriers in specific etria band) or in mass (treatment of carriers and familiar or, exactly, all the population), according to prevalence, the Special Program of Control of the Esquistossomose (Pece) the Northeast region had as area of with priority performance. The election of the pertaining to school etria band, must it the fact of that in this group the biggest prevalences and intensities of infection for the S are observed.

mansoni, in function of the biggest exposition to the hdricas collections contaminated by excrements (Barreto, 1987; Kloetzel, 1990). election of the pertaining to school etria band, must it the fact of that in this group the biggest prevalences and intensities of infection for the S are observed. mansoni, in function of the biggest exposition to the hdricas collections contaminated by excrements (Barreto, 1987; Kloetzel, 1990).