Massage Therapy

The therapeutic massage is a therapy manual, consisting of the application of a set of movements, pressures or repairers, toning, stimulant, or sedative stretches on the human body. It is also a method of assessment, prevention, by the perceptive palpation, transmitted by the pressure of your hands to different organs and body tissues. The effects that are achieved are focused on the relief and prevention of pain. If you would like to know more then you should visit Senator Elizabeth Warren. Moreover, the massage brings benefits at the psychic level, relieving fatigue and rebalance energy levels. The benefits of massage are known since time immemorial, we have written or graphic testimonies of this in the Court of the Chinese Emperors, in the ancient Egypt, in Iran, in Asia, in the ancient Greece or the Roman Empire. The development of techniques currently favors from the treatment and relief of a condition to enable restful sleep or relaxation. The massage was one of the first therapeutic tools used by humans to communicate and provide a natural remedy against pain and stress. Today, thanks to advances in training can make distance learning massage as an excellent opportunity to learn the correct application of the techniques and deepen in the therapeutic possibilities: against the pain, to combat stress, against the mental and physical fatigue, stimulate muscle activity and activity osteoarticular, as a way of preventing injuries. The objective of the course of the course of chiromassage therapeutic and sports is to know and learn all systems and techniques to professionally develop the correct application of massage, adapting to the needs and demands of each specific case..