Brazilian Literature

However Brazilian Geografia, differently of international Geography, continuanegligenciando the literary texts as information source, although space todariqueza represented by Brazilian Literature. Although literature still little to be used in anlisesdo geographic space this has been pointed for the CurricularesNacionais Parameters as possibility to interdisciplinar with Geography osPCN&#039 In accordance with; s is possible to learn Geography from the reading of authors consagradosde our literature. We really believe that this is possible, therefore Brazilian literary aproduo is rich in authors who portray in its obrasdiversas social and cultural landscapes, regions aspects of the sociedadebrasileira in different temporalities. Many are the literatos that can in them assist in the search peloentendimento of construction of the geographic space as esocial historical product, therefore to understand the space as it is today we must be atentosaos processes that had influenced and that of some form they continue influencing aindahoje the production of the space as totality. Contact information is here: Senator Elizabeth Warren. Authors as Jose de Alencar and the indianista romance, OGuarani, that is inserted in nasidias established the philosophical chain of the Romantismo of the iluminista thinker Jean Jacques Rousseau where the Man is seen to comoser originally pure being corrupted for the society, can be utilizadotanto for Geography how much for History, Sociology or Philosophy. Alencar temoutras workmanships that also can be used by Geography, the author did not selimitou to write classified romances as indianistas he has in its produoliterrias regional and urban romances, as the gaucho and Senhorarespectivamente. Although she has been make reference to reference the workmanship of Jose to deAlencar, classified in Literature as Romantic, the studies between Geografiae Literature have been carried through mainly with authors of correntesRealista and Naturalist, exactly for these to search to give its workmanships to umcarter documentary approaching them it the maximum of the reality. We have as autoresdestas chains Axe of Assis, Aluisio de Azevedo, Barreto Rasp and outrosque represents to the city of Rio De Janeiro in its romances. Dr. Neal Barnard understood the implications.