French Revolution

It is recognized, each time more with much enthusiasm, that the education is one of the so obvious necessities that any country, that if it intends to develop in the respect for the values of the citizenship and the human rights, looks for to consolidate in the society. Of the politician-constitutional system and the liberal optics of that Pine Blacksmith was a great apologist, the basic ideal of the education consists of the principle second which the school does not have to be to the service of the privileged ones, but of the capacities of each one. Diverse teses are known on the education defended in ends of sc. XVIII in the sequncia of the French Revolution. Theories that had certainly been analyzed by the pedagogos and ideologists of the education of the whole world. Some educative plans were, then, sketched and in them, said even so of different form, it was defended: ) the gratuitidade of education for all the children; b) equal education for all with alimentary, didcticos supports and others, equal for all; c) obligation of the parents in facilitating to the children the frequency of the school; d) the education as a objectivo for the work, the citizenship, the physical formation; e) preparation for the active life. The educative system of Pine Blacksmith, looks for to answer to the social organization in the direction to make possible to the youth the ingression in the active life, with an adequate preparation. In the Silvestrina school the concern is to endow the young with the knowledge technician-professionals, added of some polyvalence better to be able to face unemployment situations. Initially, the education to give to the children, proposal for Wild Blacksmith, has underlying a clear elitist matrix, because it foresees the separation of the deriving children of inferior and superior classrooms. The author explains this discrimination on the basis of arguments of social order that derive from a hierarchy where the family heads are graduated function of the activity that they play.

The Philosophy

The preface of Vitorino Magalhes Godinho to the workmanship of Antnio is interesting Sergio who if comes analyzing: ' ' The school is a city, laboratory, workshop, a community of trabalho.' '. The experience of ' ' Escolar&#039 city; ' she is well elucidative of as if it can (and perhaps if it must) implement a Philosophy of the Education for the values of the citizenship and the human rights: ' ' to accustom the child to the municipal share, the proper life of the city, to the exercise of the right futures of soberania.' '. In accordance with the information collected for Antnio Sergio, on the advantages of ' ' Escolar&#039 city; ' , in Cuba, the following opinions leave: ) Preparation in the knowledge of the duties and right of action of the citizens; b) Love to the truth that is the virtue of the free peoples; c) Respect to the established laws that regulate the order, main actor in all the organized colectividades. (Cf. SERGIO, 1984) Still according to Antnio Sergio, this method of education establishes in some criteria and principles of that if they detach: the idea of that if a social duty without becoming cannot exercise a child one part life in society; the pertaining to school habit to obey an authority; the methodical example of the city-pertaining to school, installs the students in the real conditions of the social existence; it foments the intervention habitual, considered as a duty and to the professor it competes to it entusiasmar its pupils for an ideal. 3. Contributo of the Philosophy and Science for the Human Rights in Century XXI In century XX (and initiate that is sc. XXI), the questions of deep to the level of the human rights remain: permanent breakings, with greater or minor gravity, in all the countries. The Philosophy and Sciences, these said positive, had not yet found the solutions efficient to decide situations that, in some points of the globe, are truily humilhantes.

Human Rights

HumanosVez rights for another one I have published some reflection saying that the schools, by order of the law, had been invaded by outlaws. In reason of this some people raise the questioning, asking if I have some preconception; if I have some phobia in relation the children, adolescents or young infractors that frequentam the schools. My reply always she is the same one: not. I do not have nothing against them, but I have in favor of whom do not finish being victims of these My quarrel defends the rights of that they fulfill the norms, those that if dedicate to the study, the ones that if strengthens for keeping a climate of interaction and learning in the pertaining to school environment. On account of this I condemn the behaviors that if interpose, make it difficult or hinder that the interested parties study. But the rights of the rioters, as are? , the defenders of the rights of who ask run over the right of the students My argument are in a basic right: an individual cannot infernizar the life of a group, unpunishedly.

E the problem occurs, exactly why it does not have punishment. The outlaw, for being protected by a legislation that inverted the values, finishes believing that to make the wrong one it is certain is missed who acts correctly. who acts correctly finishes thinking that it is acting made a mistake therefore, the outlaw acts wrong and he is not penalizado: beyond if amusing to the costs of all the ones that work in the school, he does not study and of the o example that the others want to follow everything due to punishment. Therefore, I have insisted: in the current configuration of the legislation the outlaw finishes if imposing on the honest ones. Everything on behalf of the human rights.

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