Teaching Geography

This salient work the importance of the thematic cartography in analyze of the geographic space. The effectiveness of the thematic map is atrelada to the quality of inherent the cartographic language to the communication process, where the researcher will have to materialize the data of its research atravz of the symbols represented in the map. Word-key: Education; Thematic cartography; Geography. Checking article sources yields James A. Levine, M.D. as a relevant resource throughout. 1 INTRODUCTION the cartography drift the necessities of the man for the localization of the phenomena and analysis of the geographic space, in the most varied shades of the thought. Being thus, as much the elaboration as the use of maps must be of equal interest for the cartographer as well as for the gegrafo. The main function of the felt map in amplest is the communication, that comes being benefited with the sprouting of the systems of multimedias, with innumerable possibilities of interaction and interatividade. The study of more preponderant thematic maps this each time, therefore is more dynamic the transformations. The localization of any place in the Land can be shown in a map.

Maps normally are drawn in plain surfaces in reduced ratio of the place of the chosen Land. No map printed matter obtains to show to all the aspects of a region. Maps in contraposition the aerial photos and data of satellite can show much more of what only what it can be seen. They can show, for example: population concentration, different levels of social development, concentration of income, among others. The maps, for its plain representation, do not represent a world faithful geide as the Land, what it took cartographers to conceive globes, that imitate the form of the Land.The maps most common are the topographical politicians and, the first one graphically representing the continents and the borders between the countries and as representing the relief in height levels (normally also including the rivers most important).


In the nursing consultation the professional of Health is an instrument where the woman who looks attendance searchs orientaes and to act with autonomy, to decide and to face situations that occur in its lives. He is in the nursing consultations that are carried through an educative action that it aims at to show to the woman the procedures that it will have that to act in front of a difficulty, to take off its doubts in relation to the aleitamento maternal and to live this experience in positive way thus having the success in breast-feeding. This data strengthen that the nursing consultation is an educative form in which the woman who looks attendance and the nurse, who manages the consultation, can offer a learning of basic importance. In accordance with the carried through research the professionals of Nursing find that it is of basic importance the consultation, therefore are at this moment who will have a closer contact with the mother and will have the chance to take off doubts and to clarify eventual problems. The meetings, according to interviewed, are of much importance, therefore for the same reason that the nursing consultation, in them will be boarded important subjects with the importance of the aleitamento. As Giuliani and Lamounier (2004) beyond if knowing the advantages of breast-feeding and having the knowledge on the handling and the prevention of problems that occur in breast-feeding, the nursing professional to have to have a support material so that the mothers and its familiar ones absorb durantes meetings and the nursing consultations. It is important that the mothers really feel themselves motivated and to believe that to suckle its son is an option that will go to benefit it for all its life. In the nursing consultations the nursing professional is enabled to guide how many the measures that aim at the preparation of the seio for breast-feeding and possible you doubt decurrent it.