December Materials

Or cases even more notorious as the cancellation of the time, as for more than 27 years and continuously came into the hands of readers, and that in December 2008 was suspended. Without saying of many others as the Colombian, who are conspicuous by their absence, silent disengagement and informative marginality into the newspapers both locally and nationally that scares; similar case with the seven or eight magazines and journals of major circulation which no missing on the shelves and that today are only part of the past, as National Geografic, week, Cambio 16, Diners, economy, very interesting, Motor, etc.. I know that just to that area of the newspaper they came every day and at different times over a collective grown from Avid for information Pereira and that now even put one foot in the building, however this be the raison d ‘ etre, the same object of the cultural establishment. And all this by simple and plain lack of discontinuity in the processes and management of This class of organisms, and in the hands now of a professional on the right that apparently has the slogan reduce to the minimum spending at the expense of deterioration of materials for consultation and the decline in service, and where the low rates of customer little already interested. The fundamental activity of all contemporary library, in addition to excellence in care, lies in the continuous acquisition of reference materials and their physical treatment (in terms of their binding and other permanent conservation, cataloguing, classification and organization processes). But if administrative decisions are vested in the informative sidelining of the user, as a subsequent step for the cessation of the processes. Else may expect from the library? If up to rumored in the corridors and in the public gossip that has been contemplating the possibility of dispatching all the old paper, with more than three months of read, for recycling, and so not have to bind them.