The main difference between the acupresin and acupuncture is that this last one uses fine needles in the treatment of health problems, whereas in first the skin is not broken. Nevertheless, both methods that leave from the holistic medicine have much common, since both are based on touching the meridians that transport the energy, or chi. In the Chinese traditional medicine, the diseases are caused by the obstructions of chi somewhere throughout the fourteen meridians, therefore the acupresin and acupuncture help to that the energy flows freely. These procedures are used to treat the menstrual allergies, arthritis, depression, nauseas, headaches, pains, and the anxiety, in agreement with the philosophy of the Chinese traditional medicine. Acupuncture, as it indicates it to the word, consists of puncturing the skin with thin and long needles; these are not looked like the needles used for the injections. The acupuncture needles are of flexible, disposable lengths, of hipoalergnico metal and they insert under the skin, in the muscle and the weave. When it is made correctly, it is a painless technique, the needles arrive at certain areas, calls pressure points, to run the blockades. A difference between the acupresin and acupuncture considers in the specific application of the techniques.
Acupuncture must be realised by a professional with Chinese traditional medicine experience, on the other hand, any person can learn the acupresin easily, especially to recognize the pressure points that alleviate common malaises. It can realise the massages to itself, in any place. For example, to masajear the muscle located between the thumb and the forefinger is a point for the headaches, whereas beating a point inside the forearm treats I am annoying caused by the movement. In the acupresin the fingers are used, the thumbs, Las Palmas and the elbows and is similar to the massages, in addition, it offers to the body the sensation of relaxation and well-being. The acupresin is much more old that acupuncture, 2500 A.C in China overcome to the year. Both practices recently have been evaluated by the western standards of the medicine, and some studies have found that they are effective. For example, the patients with cancer put under chemotherapy and that suffers of nauseas, Use bracelets to make acupresin and to reduce the annoyances with verified results. To the being thinnest the needles, say that acupuncture is more precise whereas the acupresin for being similar to the deep weave massage he is more general; nevertheless, both techniques help the toxin liberation and to stimulate the muscular groups.