Me it seems that for some preachers and ensinadores of this time, it does not have the perception that what counts in the received writings, either it, for the future things, as well as says the Holy Writs, here it is that in them is on the Christ who spoke: I GO AND COME BACK, data in if being hearing constantly that we can usufruct of the faith in this period land, then I have given emphasis to the next things, of the necessities and the consumption. I perceive that what really counts in accepting GOOD the NEWS is the hope of the engaged and future things, not yet lived. The doctor and where it works, does not have another function and purpose not to be to cure the physical diseases of the people, they do not exist for another thing. The church and its preachers would have the same to be in direction, that to only cure the diseases of the soul, after all it is of it that we will give it counts to the God. What we really count to the God in relation, devoid people of a so great mercy? To evidence that the account is our faith and in recognizing that we are dependents d? It, thus says the Holy Writs. for the faith to evidence that the writings are for the good of all, in accepting will lead them to the individual sanctity, thus also says the Holy Writs. There it is written that without faith in them is impossible to please the God and that without the sanctification nobody will have of guards, becomes essential to search to grow in the knowledge of the Word that in the ones of the cause to the faith and that leads in them to the repentance of our workmanships, which can making to distanciar in them of the sanctity and therefore of its presence.
Sacred Liturgy
The mercy or popular devotion is born in the bulge of this desire weaves of them in revealing its louvor and love the Virgin Mother of God and Ours. II Iniciemos our reflection taking the following Biblical ticket: ' ' While Jesus thus spoke, a woman raised of the multitude and said: Happy the womb brought that you and the seios that you amamentaram' ' (Lc 11, 27). This expression sprouted of a simple woman who was present in way of multitude. It is the manifestation of louvor that demonstrates espontaneidade, and is not, therefore, fruit of a calculated meditation demoradamente. It is, we would say, a simple immediate impulse e, in certain innocent way. It is in direction last expression of popular mercy. Let us see the following definition: ' ' Popular mercy is the way for which the Christianity if incarnates in the diverse cultures and if manifest in the life of the people.
It is treated, therefore of different cultural manifestations of private or communitarian character, that in the scope of the Christian faith if states not with the elements of the Sacred Liturgy, but through the peculiar forms, that they are born 0f the sort the people, of its etnia or cultura' ' (KRIEGER, 2005, P. 6). That is, the popular mercy has its cradle in the contact of the Church with the most varied cultures. Some not well informed people, or badly formed (we are attemped in saying, ' ' deformadas' '), they assume that the Church ' ' it does not see with good olhos' ' the popular mercy. This, absolutely, not it is truth! What the Church? how Mother who is? if she worries is with the education of its children. The basic principle for the education of the people, in what it refers to the popular devotion, if establishes in the following terms: The popular cult to the Virgin (as well as the too much saints), must take the fidiciary office to look at for God, to adore it e, at the same time, to awake the conscience of the love and the service to the next one.