The Landscape

This practical backwards many benefits for the population beyond the embelezamento of the landscape, the trees supply shade, and when a wooden structure popularly known by &#039 is planted; ' garajau' ' it is placed with the objective to protect the plant to serve of food for the animals. In this in case that, the arborization was promoted by the city hall and the type of chosen tree was nim whose scientific name is Azadirachta indicates. the Juss, being an exotic tree of Indiana origin, however it very adaptou well to Brazil and the Northeast region, which had its capacity of resistance to the time of estiagem and flat ground and little developed. We perceive that the firmamento meets cloudy. Under these conditions can or not it precipitation since the formed vapor clouds d' water and aerosols in the semibarren climate are wasted by the high temperature. The population that inhabits the habitacional set, this subordinate directly to the public politics promoted by state. Exactly thus through its daily experience it prints marks, that transform the landscape through its culture, beliefs and way of life.

In infogrfico 01 we perceive as the integrant elements of the paisagstico scene form a linked system where the society is the inductive factor of movement of the gears, conditioning the functioning and in the generation of new configurations in the space-time. Infogrfico 01 Landscape system of linked elements. NEW LANDSCAPES SOCIETY Source: proper elaboration the organization of the form-contents more the society is responsible for the dynamics that originates other scenes. From the respective analysis we perceive that the constituent elements of landscape directly is interrelated; each one made use with a specific function previously determined by the society that also is combined as part of the landscape.