Alexander Muscle

Outlook means of the change in the process of feeling has orientation function and makes the organism attention on a problem whose solution started the emotion.” 8 The focus of my teaching is teaching the principles of the Alexander technique with the aim that students can again acquire their muscles by releasing excessive muscle tension to the reAktivierung of the erection reflexes and is verlassen (long term) back on their emotions, their FuhLen and thinking as Wahrnehmungs – and orientation functions. Learning the Alexander technique can lead to the experience of the zusammenhangs between muscles, spirit and emotion. The knowledge of these brought and their Zusammenwirken is with the APpLiCAtion of method to the kinastheTIschen experience. The attention is the teaching of the Alexander technique on the unfavourable initiates, the cause for complaints, (self -) blocks or spin-offs are and get a change of movement or behavior stereotypes in the way. The Methode and its effects show that we have everything we brauchen for a desired VeranDerung, in us: the problems and the means for a solution. Inhibition”and direction”, principles of the nervous system, uses with the Alexander technique as a means, the neocortex, the most recent part of the brain, for the conscious herausSpringen from the old system”, to use the mental orientation on a GEwunschTES verHALten. Letting go of muscle tension leads in the long term to letting go of ideas about themselves, their own thinking and feeling.

“An honest introspection, for the shares, emotions and GEDanKen to accept and integrate, include a the previously shadowy” have. Each of these aspects… finds its expression in the body schema, in the muscle tone in the attitude. With models from the psychological counseling I put work on request: If students are interested,.