
Ana Adan. Stimulation of cholinergic and noradrenergic systems relates to increases in attention and capacities of cognitive performance, especially in situations insofar as in States of sleep deprivation. Finally, the activation of the system serotonin would explain us the potential benefits in mood. Caffeine, also has antioxidant action on the organism evidenced by experimental studies and clinical studies. The action of antioxidants has been linked with the preventive capacity of the emergence of cognitive deficits associated with successful aging and, especially, to the pathological impairment such as Alzheimer’s disease. The antioxidant capacity of caffeine is even higher than vitamin C and similar to the glutathione, antioxidant which our body produces naturally to control the excessive production of radical free or oxidative stress, explains the expert.

On the other hand, the consumption of antioxidants is beneficial in situations which is known that they activated oxidative stress, such as those where there is a high demand for cognitive performance (e.g., exam time) or physical (intense sports practice). The antioxidant activity of caffeine would also be the basis explanatory data that linked Caffeine consumption with lower risk of various types of cancer (liver, kidney, breast, and colon). Consumption moderated over the past years, the publication of articles relating to the possible beneficial effects of caffeine in our body has intensified. Its more commonly accepted benefits are its effects diuretics and as a stimulant of the central nervous system. Consumption of moderate doses of caffeine, between 300 – 400 mg/day, has no health risks and available evidence now suggest the possibility that assume benefits both short term (increase alert, concentration and mood) as medium and long term (preventive effects on various diseases), says Dr. Ana Adan. And adds: in the last two decades has increased the interest in elucidating the effects of caffeine and their therapeutic potential, being numerous published scientific papers that show positive effects along with an excellent security. Caffeine is mainly ingested orally through the consumption of products such as coffee, tea or soft drinks.

Commercialization Proteins

BRIEF description of the project: the medicinal plant of insulin can be planted in any wet or dry, place on Earth, in climate in our country is produced with success in the Amazon region, in valleys and hoyas the Andean region or Sierra, as also in the region of the coast or coast and in the Insular Region or Galapagos. This plant produces leaves, stems, cortaza and adipose tissue that heal over 200 diseases and through research it has been shown that treatment with good results, the pains of bones (arthritis), desinflama liver and kidneys, pancreas; also regulates cholesterol, triglycerides, relieves and cures diabetes, making normalization of the blood circulation. The leaves and different organs of this plant has been used in medicine ayurvetica of India to improve diabetes; numerous clinical studies show that leaves lower levels of sugar in the blood (Glycerin) and increases insulin free. The production of 1 metric ton assumes costs of 500 million dollars in the case of Humanized insulin, but in the case of insulin obtained from plants only would be $ 100 million. On the other hand, experts estimate that the current costs can mean a patient, can be of the order of $60,000; While with the price of insulin from plants like our vegetable insulin project proposal it could be reduced to about $6,000. Do the following derivatives obtained from vegetable insulin:?Dry leaf ground tea of insulin funditas.?Dry leaf whole and dried in bags or boxes.?Shell fresh vegetable insulin.?Preparation of injectable pancreatic juice?Preparation of purified extract of insulin.?Production of synthesized protein of vegetable insulin.?Production of insulin by cultivation of bacteria protein hormone.?Production of Humanized insulin.?For purifying recombinant proteins production.?Production of numerous proteins with lengths ranging from 9 to 1,000 amino acids.?Production of proteins structurally simple or complex?.Production of subunits with disulfide bridges (as it is the case with insulin).?Production of insulin inhalers.?Production of insulin pills.?Production of proteins as the Apo A1.?

Apple Cranberries

Indeed there are not few people who prefer juice from cranberries Apple juice or grape juice. For these people, the cranberry juice is among the most refreshing drinks, in addition to being a great treatment for urinary tract infections. What is so wonderful about the blueberries? A recent study has finally discovered what they contain blueberries which makes them as good to combat urinary tract infections. According to a study published in the journal of medicinal food, blueberries have chemical known as Proanthocyanidins (or PCAs,) by its acronym in English that prevent infection-causing bacteria adhere to cells that binds the urinary tract. It is not the acidity of cranberries that heals the UTIs.

Approximately 85% of the uit and about 90% of cases of pyelonephritis are caused by the bacteria e. coli. Scientists discovered that the PCAs on blueberries is what prevents that the bacterium e. coli adheres to the cells of the bladder. In the study, the bacteria e.

coli were exposed either to the PCA of blueberries or a light cranberry juice cocktail. The scientists measured the forces of adhesion between e. coli and a silicon surface. The results showed that e. coli had slightest bacterial adhesion to the surface of silicon while more time they were exposed both to the PCAs of cranberries and light cranberry juice cocktail. Its long history of Medicinal use cranberries and blueberries are one of only three species of fruits that are native to North America. Blueberries have a long history of medicinal uses among Native Americans. They used cranberries to treat kidney and bladder problems. According to recent studies, blueberries have more health benefits. It is thought that they can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease since blueberries reduce the oxidation of cholesterol in the blood, which can cause the arteries are blocked. In addition, be He has discovered that cranberries may treat other ailments including cystitis, ulcers, and other types of cancer. The properties of blueberries to fight cancer is mostly attributed to the PACs of type A, only found in blueberries. In other studies, it was discovered that the PACs inhibit the growth of cancer cells in patients with colon cancer, lung cancer, and leukemia.

Learning a Foreign Language

Ways of learning foreign languages on their own, "Who does not know foreign languages, and has no idea about his" Goethe Any language exists in order to tell the other person about a particular event, to describe the beauty nature, to consult on methods of raising a child – in short, to discuss the reality. This article is intended: First, to those who are about to learn a foreign language, live in another country and not communicates constantly with supports that language. Secondly, the article is written only for those who really want to learn a foreign language. If you feel an irresistible urge to speak, say, English as a home – read on. If you wish it minutely – set aside in the direction of the article. Currently in stores and online you can find a wealth of material for the study of foreign languages. And man difficult to navigate in this sea of information.

But it seems that "receive" the highest quality foreign language can be just using the videos, especially when close to you do not have the support of the studied language. What we we mean by the phrase 'to learn a foreign language'? Knowledge of foreign language to perfection implies that during a conversation you do not stand out from the speakers of the language – no pronunciation or mimic or intonations. The concept of "mastery of the language" entails: a full understanding of spoken language, the correct construction of sentences and the natural tone of the conversation, of writing and speech.