Success in the business world depends largely on the ability to persuade others to present products, ideas and themselves. Subtle daily presentations fill business life. If the presentation one – on – one we somehow manage to deal, the group communications often cause problems. The human mind begins to work at the moment of birth and does not terminate until, until you started talking to the public. Fortunately, the theory of presentation developed well enough – a variety of presentation equipment improves the process of group communication, helping to level the absence of lecturing skills. Transmission problems and the perception of information if you ask how to get to any place you call street names and house numbers, or describe the building, turns and traffic lights? You better remember faces or names? Which do you prefer: listen to the radio or watch television, If you have a choice? How often, making it difficult to explain something, we instinctively turn to the visual image! Remember how many times repeated a situation where people explaining to you the way, began to paint scheme entrance.
How many times have you yourself doodle the same scheme, listening to explanations on the phone about how to get to your destination? Start presentation put primitive man painted on the wall of the cave drawing, explaining his story tribesmen. Since then, the visual images help people to communicate, explain, understand, perceive and remember information. In the human brain, 30% occupy the neurons responsible for vision, 8% of the neurons provide tactile perception, and only 3% are responsible for hearing. Keep in mind more than once heard the phrase: "Better to see once than hear a hundred times'? Scientists have found her rationale. Meanwhile, presentations usually do not decide the alternative task (or see, or hear), and looking for ways to most effectively impact both on the organs of hearing, and the organs of sight. Simultaneous exposure to the two most important organ of perception can reach a much greater effect.
According to the Center for Applied Research Vortonovskoy School (Wharton School) University of Minnesota man remembers what he heard 20% and 30% of what he saw, and more than 50% of what he sees and hears the same time. Facilitate the process of perception information with memorable images – the foundation of any modern presentation of whatever form of presentations (sales, demonstration, presentation, lecture, etc.) we would have spoken. Remembering all this, we can proceed to the election presentation equipment. Do not be fooled that everyone has a way of presentation, along with the advantages of their disadvantages. Choose what best suits your character, style and manner of presentation of information.