Baby Development

After the birth of the baby body energetically freed from traces of "past life". Scarce sneezing, clearing mucus from the nose, burp amniotic fluid, which he swallowed in the mother's abdomen, making his first "big" WC. Organs and systems of the child gradually learn to work in the new regime: set breath, changing its structure of the heart (after all, now the process of circulation does not occur through the mother's placenta, and their own). The birth of a baby opens up a host of new abilities. He begins to see and hear – a pipsqueak could it before birth, but only now, visual and auditory images became really clear and loud. Although the sight of the child to time of birth developed worse than the other senses, mom can easily see how it works. Turn the room light and you will see how the pupils kid suzyatsya and crumb will squint, put out the light – and the pupils expand. A newborn baby distinguish high and low sounds familiar and unfamiliar noises – in response to any loud sound pipsqueak shudders and blinks.

He easily recognizes the voice of my mother and even the music we heard while growing up in her abdomen. That's why sometimes enough just to call a little to get his attention and calm him down a song or a lullaby can be quiet affectionate words in your ear. Unexplored world presents all kinds of crumbs experience, most of whom, of course, relate to his mother: her gentle touch, the taste of milk, the smell of leather and breath. Touch and taste appear in the child before birth: for example, already at the 11 th week of life in the mother's stomach kid in the language are formed exactly the same taste buds as an adult. With their help the child recognize the smell and taste of amniotic fluid, familiar with the culinary preferences of mothers who continue to learn, if it will feed the baby. Everything is different in the first weeks after the birth of a newborn pipsqueak retains that position, which was located in the abdomen mom: head bowed, arms and legs flexed, fingers clenched into fists. In pregnancy is the situation helps the growing child placed in the womb mother and after birth – to keep warm.

And provided it is particularly nervous system baby, which has so arranged that the flexor extensor muscles work harder. From birth, the disposal of each infant has a "living wage" – a set of reflexes. While mature central nervous system of the child, they help the kid cope with important life tasks. For example, feeling the nipple moms lips pipsqueak involuntarily grabbed him, and seized, would start to suck. Grasping reflex crumbs will stay on the surface, just as a baby monkey clinging unconsciously sherstku mother. And having felt under the heel support, lying on his stomach, the baby crawl forward – not to be lost. As the baby grows, unconscious of the change to conscious that the baby will be able to perform on their own.

Protocol Ovulation

During a menstrual cycle in women matures one egg. In order to obtain a few eggs spend to stimulate ovulation. The first phase consists of taking drugs that suppress the production of pituitary hormones that regulate the activity of the ovary. The second stage is taking medication containing follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) in the doses required for the formation of several ovules in the ovary. The most common cause of infertility, characterized by violation of the ovulation process is anovulation. Causes of anovulation include: breach of the interaction gipatolamo-pituitary-ovarian system, which occurs after physical or psychological stress, trauma, inflammation of the uterine appendages, a sharp decrease in normal body weight, medical abortion, gynecological diseases, endocrine disease, traumatic brain injury. Hormonal disorders that lead to anovulation, are: increased production of male sex hormones, the increased production of the hormone prolactin, follicle in the pathology of ovaries, thyroid disease. Nowadays the main treatment is to stimulate ovulation, anovulation, which is applicable for any above mentioned causes. In the presence of hormonal causes conducted stimulation of ovulation with hormonal drugs, correcting the initial hormonal changes. Prior to stimulate ovulation, make sure that there are no such causes of infertility, as inflammation of the vagina, cervix, the uterus, fallopian tubes, tubal pathology and male infertility.