Reduce Health Risks

Alarming findings: health hazards of laser printers and photocopiers. Laser printers and copiers charge the air with an unfiltered blend of hazardous fine dust, ultra-fine particles and pollutants. When printing, small particles are released which can enter the respiratory tract and the lungs. This may cause serious health damage that show new study on the health effects of toner dust. In Germany alone, more than 50,000 tons consumed toner. Health hazards: Allergies and inflammation of the respiratory tract and the skin is increasing dramatically. Chronic obstructive respiratory diseases are the most strongly increasing cause of death – worldwide! Annual 266.000 deaths due to fine dust loads according to the EU Commission in Europe alone.

According to the U.S. environmental protection agency, the largest health risks emanating from indoor air. \”Laser printers and photocopiers are the worst single source of contaminants in the Office,\” says Michael Braungart, Professor of engineering and Director of the Hamburg Environmental Institute. The Institute for occupational safety and health of the German statutory accident insurance in St. Augustine writes in a technical paper to nanoparticles in the workplace: \”Is that nano-particles can penetrate barriers in the body and in organs, the larger particles inaccessible are expected.\” Contracting authority of the investigation is the nationally recognized Foundation of nano-control, which is under the auspices of the former President of the German Federal Environment Agency Georges Fulgraff. In an attempt at the University Hospital Freiburg responded six subjects already after half an hour in a room where toner printer running with flu-like symptoms: irritation and inflammation of the respiratory tract, swelling of the lymph nodes, sneezing, mucosal redness and swelling, coughing, voice changes and fatigue. Also, possible reactions are inflammation of the eyes and the skin. Toner dust is also suspected to cause allergies and asthma. The long-term consequences of the Permanent Inhaling toner dust were, however, so far still not fully researched.

Health Insurance Companies

Spa interested can make an application for a grant from the health insurance fund, the same applies to treatment in other EU countries. Read about what you need to know here. For years Spa and wellness holidays are in neighbouring countries the trend. Especially popular are the spas in the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Italy and the Slovakia. Check out Dr. Neal Barnard for additional information. Just Eastern European resorts beckon with cheap prices and a now Western standards in the Spa Hotel.

If the insurance company pays even a subsidy, it is doubly interesting. The road to the cure grant: prerequisite for electoral assistance in health is that the selected resort is a recognised bath & Spa. The selected resort meets this criterion, is the nearest way to the doctor, it must certify the urgent need for a cure. In addition to the diagnosis, the doctor supposed to establish also the disease prevention. You suffer from a chronic condition, the impairment is this devout and dysfunction should be specified.

Submit the certificate of the doctor (SPA request), Your health insurance company, with the request for approval, a. If you have questions you contact your family doctor. “The open Spa” has a new name: In the application, it does not mean more open Spa “, according to 23.3 called SGB V now out-patient benefits in recognized spas”. ” How much is the grant? The insurance takes over the costs of medical treatments and about 85% of the Spa funds. In addition, the health insurance can pay a lump sum grant of approximately 13 euro, this represents an allowance for accommodation, meals and travel costs. How often can I apply for a cure? Basically there is entitlement to an ambulatory care performance “every 3 years. If medically necessary, the Spa also before the deadline may be granted. You should plan your Spa at an early stage in any case and request the treatment application in time. In a rejection of the treatment application, you have the possibility to appeal. If your health insurance company approved a grant to the Spa, you can the cost of the treatment in your Claim wage and income tax as an extraordinary burden. How long should the treatment be? The duration of treatment must be not more than 3 weeks, but can also occur in a shorter period of time. However, 3 weeks are recommended to achieve a corresponding success. I choose what resort and what Spa Hotel? You should discuss the choice together with your family physician. Observe the indications and contraindications of the individual resorts. Also consider of a resort abroad consider possible language barriers at the Spa personnel. In the well-known spas in Hungary, Czech Republic, Italy and the Slovakia, the Kurarzte and Spa staff speak german, this is not always given in smaller resorts. will help you choose. Treatment abroad: you can for all resorts within Europe, grants or refunds apply. Normally, the treatment of the insured person is paid in advance and then settled in connection with the health insurance fund, on presentation of receipts from your spa hotel. At the beginning of the treatment, it is recommended to bring current findings and X-ray images and to present the physician during the examination. Do you have any further questions to the spa or spa application? Then we recommend you the portal for cures and wellness holidays in Europe Gladly we advise you by phone. is involved in health tourism in Europe for over 15 years. Expert advice and extensive knowledge of Spa Hotels and resorts help you in choosing the right resort.

Illnesses Increases

The resistance the action of the leptina or its deficiency of leptina, increases the NPY concentration that increases the food consumption and can take the obesidade (ALVES, 2008). The resistance the leptina can be a typical characteristic of the obesidade, with the hypothesis of that this resistance is attributed to a deficiency in its system of transport in the hematoenceflica barrier (BAYNES, 2000). The grelina is another regulating hormone of the energy rocking, it increases the alimentary ingestion and diminishes the energy expense, produced mainly for the stomach. It is regulated through nutricionais factors and hormonais, its plasmtica concentration is increased during jejum and diminishes feeding after, however studies had shown that the plasmtica concentration of the grelina in obesos individuals does not diminish the feeding after, what could justify the increase of the alimentary consumption and this fact would involve the grelina with the fisiopatologia of the obesidade (EGUCHI et al., 2008). 3.5.5 Illnesses associates to the obesidade the obesidade increases the incidence of illnesses associates, the individuals with overweight or obesos, present great possibilities to develop diverse types of illnesses as: ortopdicas complications, psychological problems, pulmonary illnesses, of diabetic type 2 suffers of obesidade, this due this illness to be caused by a resistance the insulina and with the increase of the adiposas cells I number, it of insulina receivers diminishes (BORSATO et al., 2008). The hipertenso in the obesidade this associate to the increase of the cardiac debit, taxes cardiopath and volume to intravascular.

The levels of triglicerdeos and cholesterol in the blood also suffer increase and can take the coronary problems. The osteoartrite is consequence of the weight increase and can be developed on the joints, mainly ankles and knees (BORSATO et al., 2008). Obesidade and diabetes the distribution of corporal fat is an important factor to be observed inside of the context of the obesidade, therefore its complications do not depend only on> has weight excess (OLIVEIRA et al., 2010).