December Materials

Or cases even more notorious as the cancellation of the time, as for more than 27 years and continuously came into the hands of readers, and that in December 2008 was suspended. Without saying of many others as the Colombian, who are conspicuous by their absence, silent disengagement and informative marginality into the newspapers both locally and nationally that scares; similar case with the seven or eight magazines and journals of major circulation which no missing on the shelves and that today are only part of the past, as National Geografic, week, Cambio 16, Diners, economy, very interesting, Motor, etc.. I know that just to that area of the newspaper they came every day and at different times over a collective grown from Avid for information Pereira and that now even put one foot in the building, however this be the raison d ‘ etre, the same object of the cultural establishment. And all this by simple and plain lack of discontinuity in the processes and management of This class of organisms, and in the hands now of a professional on the right that apparently has the slogan reduce to the minimum spending at the expense of deterioration of materials for consultation and the decline in service, and where the low rates of customer little already interested. The fundamental activity of all contemporary library, in addition to excellence in care, lies in the continuous acquisition of reference materials and their physical treatment (in terms of their binding and other permanent conservation, cataloguing, classification and organization processes). But if administrative decisions are vested in the informative sidelining of the user, as a subsequent step for the cessation of the processes. Else may expect from the library? If up to rumored in the corridors and in the public gossip that has been contemplating the possibility of dispatching all the old paper, with more than three months of read, for recycling, and so not have to bind them.


Cayetana de Alba ensures that your home also has difficulties by the crisis. He blames the situation of Spain the boss. The Duchess of Alba says that due to the current economic and social situation, in the House of Alba we are happening bad, just like everyone, each at its level. In an interview to be published tomorrow Yo Dona magazine, Cayetana de Alba also reveals that currently Spain is in the worst period that it has had since the beginning of democracy and claims that the blame for this is the boss, right?. The Duchess assures in an extensive interview, splashed with various photographs in which poses with clothes, among others, of the designers Victorio and Lucchino – authors of your wedding-dress, the King is the best that Spain currently has.

In addition, he claims that in Spain has been, unlike other countries, a lack of care by the past, by heritage and that here everything has been able to pick up new things has been destroyed. On the other hand side, it says that the press, especially television takes it very badly and that everything you say is a lie. It also shows strong against divorce and abortion, and is declared very religious. The couple is very important. I I I at least never divorced, and my children, all. For that it is better not to marry, adds the Duchess. After declare very proud to be the Duchess of Alba, it says that it is not engreida, that he knows what he likes and not, and claims to be monarchist until the marrow. Finally, explains that a young man who is not friendly with her, has great strength and encouragement and that if they forget you’re not nobody there is. Source of the news: La Duquesa de Alba: “are going so bad, just like everyone”

Drink Water

Water is not only essential for the effective functioning of the human body but is also critical to eliminate those kilos more and, more important still, to not recover them. Why start now your program to lose weight drinking more water than usual and setting aside pills to lose weight.And keep reading this post to see how you can download five kilos in a single month only drinking water. Water purify system in these times, all tend to eat too much processed food and other food scrap which our body does not need. Over time, this ends up increasing toxins in our kidneys and bloodstream. This increase makes the body have difficulties for processing waste, which ends up making it slower.

However, if you drink more water, the toxins will be deleted faster. A higher consumption of water contributes with the processes of digestion and elimination of wastes from the body, and also nourishes the body’s cells. You will begin to feel better quickly, and your health and your overall sense of well-being will improve. How to deal with the retention of fluid frequently, women have problems with fluid retention, particularly at certain stages of their cycle. Men can also have problems if your salt intake is high. This is because your body is dependent on the water when it is undergoing change or when he feels that it is dehydrating. As a result, produce feelings of lethargy and swelling and sometimes headaches and other body aches.

If you drink more water per day, the toxins are removed from your intestines and kidneys, and your body is renewed. He no longer has to rely on excess water. Increase metabolism with water!It has shown that water makes your body significantly more able to burn calories. So, if you drink water with every meal, between meals and at night, your body burn calories all the time, since he will be working to circulate the water throughout your system. Therefore, your metabolism is increased and, as a result, you skinny. Appetite is regulated with water!Sometimes when you’re thirsty, perhaps you feel, however, that you’re hungry. The signal issued by the body in these two situations is similar and a person with weight problems can confuse the signal and eat when you should really drink. So, when you receive the first nagging feeling of hunger, you should drink some water, then wait 15 minutes and see how you feel then. You might need to eat or not, but this way you train you for knowing the difference between both needs. In fact, you can dramatically improve your body’s ability to lose weight, simply by increasing the intake of water. If you drink eight glasses of water per day, your body has a good chance to get rid of the first five kilos and so you’ll be track!