The Assistance

During correct the course and complete cessation of receipt of food from the outside, the body within 3-7 days tuned to a full internal power supply, it is self-sufficient through their inventory. And it does not depend from your complexion. Therefore, in the case of fasting – Your body is not really hungry, he just uses the internal power supply and does so economically. Results for the second thesis: during fasting the kinds of fluid than plain water does not take, no even the slightest power to the stomach should not fall. This way you only hurt yourself.

3. Your health in the process of starvation, especially if you spend it for the first time will be bad. This is due to the fact that starting intensive cleaning of the organism and the blood is thrown out a lot of toxins. You may wish to learn more. If so, Senator Elizabeth Warren is the place to go. Do not be afraid of this, please be patient. Think about what you get rid of these poisons and become much healthier.

These days will pass quickly, bear with me, you treat yourself to this natural relief from ailments and feel great in the future. However, if during the fasting you will not perform certain procedures, your health may cause anxiety in some cases may even require the assistance of a doctor. Intoxication by your own poison, in this case may be excessive. Therefore, the performance of procedures – Is necessary. First of all – it's an enema. If you are starving for the first time, it must be put on a daily basis during the famine, and a few days during the withdrawal.

Russian Pharmacies

In the summer of 2009 in Russian pharmacies in addition to already known to consumers suspensions Geviskon appears a welcome novelty – a natural medicine for heartburn now and Geviskon tablets! Convenient packaging innovations, 16 and 32 pieces per bundle – an optimal solution for those who care about their health and wants it to be an indispensable tool for heartburn was always at hand. The light, almost weightless, a pack of pills fit into the usual pocket, purse or glove compartment vehicle, allowing you to instantly deal with the unpleasant burning sensation in the chest. The drug is recommended for use Geviskon Scientific Society of Gastroenterologists of Russia. As well as suspension and Geviskon Geviskon Forte tablets Geviskon can be used to treat heartburn with prescription drugs. They are perfectly safe, since they consist of natural ingredients that are not absorbed and excreted in unchanged, and therefore allowed to accept even the children (12 years) and pregnant women in all trimesters. Additional information Geviskon drug, the company Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare – first in the Russian market alginate means (alge – Seaweed), which has a unique mechanism of action, which does not affect the level of acidity in the stomach. Geviskon alginate forms a neutral barrier at the surface of the stomach contents, which prevents release of acid into the esophagus. Quickly and safely gets rid of heartburn, while not affecting the digestive process.

Heartburn – a burning sensation in the chest, “the stomach”, often accompanied by a bitter taste in the mouth. Occasionally it may feel an unpleasant sensation even completely healthy people (after eating spicy foods, alcohol, or some other products), although it usually is a symptom of a number of diseases, including gastritis. According to the Central Research Institute of Gastroenterology 13.3% of Russians (about 19 million people) admit that they suffer from heartburn 1. Geviskon – Immediate release of heartburn! 1, Lazebnik LB, Bordin DS, Masharova A. Current understanding of gastroesophageal reflux disease: from Genval to Montreal.


– There are genes that have genetics, and argue with it is very difficult, we are programmed to die. But is this true? It's true, but not all. After all, scientists, referring to it, determined that the natural life Rights may be 120 years old, and it at least. These same scientists have argued that old age and ultimately death – are inevitable. But the question is, when age and when to die? There is such a thing as "premature aging" of the human body. AND this is due to the life he lives.

And, of course, by that person. In many ways, the reason for this lies in the human environment, ie, in society. It is artificial, created by man, it's easier just to live. Here only it is quite "aggressive". Here we are about ecology, sociology, stress, tempo, rhythm of life. And of course, that public opinion about human longevity, as described above.

There is another, important aspect. Thanks to advances in science, medicine, and managed to cope with the various epidemics (plague, cholera), the system of vaccination, antibiotics – maintained and allowed to grow for many generations of people. All this led to the fact that people began to live longer than in the past, but in the end, a new problem – the rapid aging of the species population. The elderly, and elderly, to become more and more. This is not a contradiction to what was said at the outset. "The elderly and advanced "age, in terms of public opinion, because here we are in the age of 60 – 70, and in rare cases 80 years, but certainly not 120 years.

Moscow Healing

The energy spreads itself throughout the body and is sick bodies, as it immediately begins to recover. For healing to take from 3 to 9 sessions (from 3 days to two weeks) depending on the complexity of the disease to the healing process is now irreversible. After these sessions, the impact of energy going on, because recovery is gradually within two weeks – like film spun back – so the disease recedes! People say they feel incredible – if you are born anew! Sometimes a person may feel the need for additional sessions after a while. People recover, and if certain simple rules will never get sick no! If the case has already been launched, such as cancer at the fourth stage, the cure is not always possible to achieve simply because they already may not have time to disease neutralized, but in any case, reduced pain, stops tumor growth and prolonged the patient's life. This treatment is pure energy is very well regarded organism, although the first few days may increase the disease, which passes quickly – the disease is forgiven with a man! The treatment restores the nervous system, all the while the patient is in a state of relaxation, rest, improves memory and overall well-being, a person can quit smoking, drinking and abandon other bad habits. Smoking in general is very bad and dangerous, and the best stop smoking already preparing for sessions. You can healed not only ourselves but also to help other people! The healer is needed in many parts of the world simultaneously, so if you want to proyi sessions of healing, the healer will come to your town, if you collect enough number of people for healing or for the seminar! Gathering a sufficient number of people contact us and let us know that you are willing to take the healer – then he will come to your city! If it is not possible to invite a healer your city, you can come for treatment at St. Petersburg, Moscow and Novosibirsk, where the healer is very often. For more information, please let us know your contact phone number and place of residence, describe their problems and wishes that the healer could get in touch with you! Let this miracle of healing was going to happen to you and all people of the world! With God!

Psychotherapy, Excess Weight

The structure of fees, prescribed to reduce excess weight, usually consists of plants that are: a.. help to reduce appetite and b. a diuretic; in. have a purgative and laxative effect, reduce the level of city sugar in the blood, etc. increase the basal metabolic rate. Plants that reduce appetite, as a rule, have the ability to swell or to form mucus in the gastrointestinal tract. Through this action is enveloping the digestive tract and Stretching the walls of the stomach or intestines, which quickly generates a feeling of fullness. An example of such plants can be spirulina algae and fucus bubbly, flax seed, marshmallow root of the ordinary, angelica lekrstvennogo etc.

The expulsion from the body of excess fluid, which is usually found in adipose tissue, is achieved by the inclusion of charges of diuretic herbs. For example, a horsetail. In the old days women who are overweight, have recommended savor your food powder of dried horsetail. But we should remember that horsetail is contraindicated in acute diseases of the urinary tract. Similarly, the action has the controversy (or knot-grass).

As the soft diuretic may be bearberry (bear ears), cranberry leaf, burdock, Potentilla goose. Cleaning effect caused choleretic herbs wing, as well as possessing purgative action. By choleretic herbs include sand immortelle, corn columns, barberry ordinary dandelion, toadflax Common, tansy, thoroughwax kozeltselistnaya and others to the grass with laxative effects include buckthorn bark brittle rhineberry. These plants are recommended for atonic constipation. With spastic constipation recommended plants, which have antispasmodic effect: fragrant fennel, anise, ordinary, caraway seed. Plants that reduce blood sugar, in the first place shows people suffering from diabetes. But they do not hurt and those who do not have clinical illness impaired glucose tolerance. By lowering plants include shoots blueberry, blackberry fruit, leaf beans, artichoke, common lespedeza, Galegov drug, nettle, etc. Here is one of the recipes recommended by excess weight: Flaxseed Immortelle sandy (flowers) Buckthorn fragilis (bark) Horsetail Field (grass) Blueberries pine (shoots) Stinging nettle (herb), meadowsweet vyazolistny (flowers) Take equal parts of each plants. Mix one tablespoon of the mixture with the top pour 200 ml water. Withstand 15 minutes in a water bath. To defend for 30 minutes. Drain. Bring to the original volume. Prinmat 1 / 3 cup 3 times daily before meals for 30 minutes within 1.5-2 months.

Principles Of Homeopathy

The founder of homeopathy is the German physician Samuel Hahnemann. It was he who, intrigued by the action of quinine, used to treat malarial fever, began to take daily to 80 grams of cinchona bark. After a time in an absolutely healthy person showing signs of malaria, first began to shake hands and then started a fever. This amazing experiment and marked the beginning of homeopathy, whose name comes from the Greek word homois – and similar pathos – disease. It is based on the principle of "treating like with like", ie, burns treated with warm, during headache given substance, its cause, and vomiting prescribe an emetic. This principle of similarity makes homeopathy system of treatment for symptomatic analogy. This means that the efficiency of the means chosen for treatment will be high only if the drug intoxication symptoms in a healthy person will fully consistent with the clinical picture observed during the illness. The founder of homeopathy Hahnemann considered health as a balance of "vital forces".

In case of illness, in his opinion, one of the vital energy begins to dominate and violate the nature of the pledged balance. The task of the doctor in this case that awaken the life-giving force in the body, which will replace the "enemy" from illegally occupied territory. This can be done only by drugs that cause a healthy person symptoms similar to the aforesaid diseases. Traditional medicine should be directly opposite principles – is trying to find a tool that would weaken or destroy disease.


In the human odors play an important role, which is often underestimated. Under the influence of subtle scents have many likes and dislikes, but we did not even know it. Bad breath can thoroughly ruin the man's life: – Do not be arranged to the right job – is hard to continue the acquaintance – Colleagues avoid you Unfortunately, the one who has the problem of bad breath, most of it and unaware. Is that closest friend, overcoming the embarrassment, do not tell you about it. A person gets used to the smell of their own and can not form an objective opinion about it. Bad breath can be permanent or transient chronic, everyone should know the reasons for the origin and treatment.

– Bad breath is known to everyone. According to the World Health Organization, complaints about bad breath are fixed in 25% people in Europe, USA and Japan. And that's just people seek medical attention. Statistical data for Russia is not known. Today this problem is elevated to the rank of science, involving such sciences as bacteriology, chemistry, physiology and Psychology. The medical term illness bad breath – halitosis (Halitosis). Halitosis difficult dealing with people, creating psychological uncertainty. – People avoid you when you talk to them – or they avoid direct contact with you – you often notice your bad breath – Who – that has informed you about the smell – you notice white patches in their own language – your smell prevents you from living there a guaranteed method of getting rid of the unpleasant smell in detail: Internet Publishing Solution @

Wash Lacunas Tonsils

The tonsils themselves are small, smooth, fasoleobraznye, pink bodies located almost at the entrance to the larynx. This is in good condition. And if you have inflammation or after, the tonsils may form scars, bumps, lumps, matching with the palatine arches, and as a consequence, there are holes in the amygdala, or the so-called gap. In these gaps, particularly in acute illness, accumulated pus, desquamated pieces of epithelium, food. Just like in the picture. And turning into lumps, blocks the gap, creating an atmosphere of decay and decomposition, favorable for the development of almost any disease. With a large number of septic congestion in the gaps of the feeling of a foreign body in the larynx, for some people there is even bad breath, but worst of all, the slightest scratch or minor injury of the mouth or throat leads to the spread of infection throughout the body.

And if the pus from the clogged gaps into the blood stream, we can expect anything, but in the first place: dental pain, cystitis, pyelonephritis, tonsillitis, sinusitis and other consequences of infection. So for owners of chronic tonsillitis, regular washing of the gaps – such as a necessary procedure, as brushing the teeth for everyone else. You can wash in a standard way – producing a jet or furatsilinovoy saline from a syringe without a needle into the gaps. But for this procedure must be well to see where to direct the jet, so that alone make this problematic. Much more simple and affordable way had reinvent itself. If you do not know where the tonsils, then dipped in a solution of the index finger furatsilinovoy inspect the sides of the larynx.

And there may be sooner or later discover, bean-shaped organ – the very amygdala. And if it is hilly, and, God forbid, yet firm – urgently needs to wash the gap. For this purpose, perfect cotton pads or just fleece. Prepare a salt solution (1 tbsp. Spoon on 1 tablespoon of water) or solution furatsilina (2 tablets 1 cup of water). Cotton pad gently torn in two more thin disk and one of them winds tip of your forefinger. So that the nail is not in any case, neither had the opportunity to break through the defense and damage cotton fabrics. AND "Cotton fingers", dipped in a solution with the power presses down on the amygdala in upward direction. As a rule, then padded already seen the first results of washing the gaps. It is not necessary to detain them for their opinion, the change cotton wool, moistened his finger again and already outline the amygdala on the surface, pushing and squeezing. Thus the amygdala can process up to several times. At least as long as the fleece from the procedure will remain clean. Please note that the best do: bakposev throat (probably the tonsils vyseetsya some kind of infection), try a conservative treatment with medication or in case of failure discuss with your doctor can remove the tonsils. Washing of the gaps in the home certainly less uncomfortable procedure than the same thing, but in the hospital or clinic, but this is not the solution, but only the elimination of its consequences. So you'd better pull myself together and solve the problem of tonsillitis and tonsil wash gaps seriously and permanently.


Even sadder is that with age the body’s metabolism slows down and people decay products accumulate more and more. Here and there, “slags organism,” which is the result of metabolic disturbance of the intestinal flora in the body, resulting in digestive problems, resulting in developing with clinical manifestations of diseases such as. Quick SOLYUKSELL Vell (anti-aging bio-energy drop) – normalizes the formation of chronic fatigue syndrome, inhibits the enzymes involved cancerous cells, slows the process and the endocrine system, improves your immune system a few times, effective for use in bio-energy drops Solyuksell KvikVell shows a high enough high effectiveness of treatment of virtually all diseases, particularly diseases of the cardiovascular system, central nervous system depression, multiple sclerosis, sleep disorders, endocrine system, immune system, metabolic disorders, overweight and obesity, increased fatigue syndrome, gastrointestinal tract. In the application of drops of Kwik Well people have after a week of their admission, felt a burst of energy, cheerfulness, confidence and self-reliance, and feelings of fatigue, anxiety, apathy, and sadness are gradually disappearing. At this, we note that the lower the initial energy status, the greater the effect. Also, we note that already the second week of admission drops reduced the need for excessive use of food, improves overall health, that is, a transition to an extremely high energy level, and therefore to better, more harmonious level.

Updated workable immune system provides an audit of the whole organism, every organ, every cell, eliminates all violations and failures, accumulated over the years from birth, because the human body is the same, as well as other living organisms – a nonlinear system, which is a single whole, where everything is interconnected. Human health is primarily due to healthy energy, energy intensity of cells. Prolonged use of systematic Quick bio drops Well provides a real rejuvenation of organs and tissues.

Social Support Healer

Murky potion, a bee venom, a mysterious spell … and life goes on again. Healing today has acquired a huge number of names, concepts and terms. And if herbalism, cures the prayers you can still find out something about is different from what bioenergetics psihosensorikii and psychic whether energoterapevt, I decided to find a specialist and founder of the Center for Healing Arts, and Social Support – Natalia Lvovna Shareyko (k Ps. N, corresponding member Academy of Natural Sciences, Vice Chancellor UPS (St. Petersburg).

– Natalie L., which are methods of healing? – According to the classification proposed by Professor Vladimir Tonkov, president of the Institute of Psychology biosensor licensed State of parafenomenologii, system recovery can be divided into three areas: academic medicine, folk medicine retseptnaya (quackery) and paratselitelstvo. – What is the difference between bioenergotherapist, healer, psychic? – Psychic – a person with advanced perception. A healer is a man driven to help others. Bioenergotherapist can be both a healer and psychic. – What is Bioenergy Healing? – Para-healing quality of substance used can be divided into two groups, biosensors, and energy-sensing. Energy Sense uses external substance, so this effect is not limited to distance, in contrast to the biosensor.

Bio-Sense – a couple of healer in the use of their personal bio-ethereal substance. Bioenergy Healing combines both features. – What lessons can affect extrasensory on later life learning? – The most fundamental way. Classes extrasensory affect the entire bio-energetic nature of man: channels, points, meridians – all that a person has.