Psychotherapy, Excess Weight

The structure of fees, prescribed to reduce excess weight, usually consists of plants that are: a.. help to reduce appetite and b. a diuretic; in. have a purgative and laxative effect, reduce the level of city sugar in the blood, etc. increase the basal metabolic rate. Plants that reduce appetite, as a rule, have the ability to swell or to form mucus in the gastrointestinal tract. Through this action is enveloping the digestive tract and Stretching the walls of the stomach or intestines, which quickly generates a feeling of fullness. An example of such plants can be spirulina algae and fucus bubbly, flax seed, marshmallow root of the ordinary, angelica lekrstvennogo etc.

The expulsion from the body of excess fluid, which is usually found in adipose tissue, is achieved by the inclusion of charges of diuretic herbs. For example, a horsetail. In the old days women who are overweight, have recommended savor your food powder of dried horsetail. But we should remember that horsetail is contraindicated in acute diseases of the urinary tract. Similarly, the action has the controversy (or knot-grass).

As the soft diuretic may be bearberry (bear ears), cranberry leaf, burdock, Potentilla goose. Cleaning effect caused choleretic herbs wing, as well as possessing purgative action. By choleretic herbs include sand immortelle, corn columns, barberry ordinary dandelion, toadflax Common, tansy, thoroughwax kozeltselistnaya and others to the grass with laxative effects include buckthorn bark brittle rhineberry. These plants are recommended for atonic constipation. With spastic constipation recommended plants, which have antispasmodic effect: fragrant fennel, anise, ordinary, caraway seed. Plants that reduce blood sugar, in the first place shows people suffering from diabetes. But they do not hurt and those who do not have clinical illness impaired glucose tolerance. By lowering plants include shoots blueberry, blackberry fruit, leaf beans, artichoke, common lespedeza, Galegov drug, nettle, etc. Here is one of the recipes recommended by excess weight: Flaxseed Immortelle sandy (flowers) Buckthorn fragilis (bark) Horsetail Field (grass) Blueberries pine (shoots) Stinging nettle (herb), meadowsweet vyazolistny (flowers) Take equal parts of each plants. Mix one tablespoon of the mixture with the top pour 200 ml water. Withstand 15 minutes in a water bath. To defend for 30 minutes. Drain. Bring to the original volume. Prinmat 1 / 3 cup 3 times daily before meals for 30 minutes within 1.5-2 months.