Postgraduate Online

To develop courses, seminaries, congresses that favor to formed into a guild his, enabling them, updating them but also, abierto to those who it interests the present topics to them of administrative science. It must also the School to have one more a more dynamic entailment with the Universities as much concerning pre and postgraduate, collaborating with its opinions to define the profile of the administrator who the present demand, position the present one lets much say. Both institutions for providing a spreading of the advance, applicability must be integrated of administrative science, courses, seminaries in sets Postgraduate Online. The School must count on its own page Web that not only allows to offer its services, spreading of its activities, but publish articles, works that disclose the reach, repercussions of administrative science, the functions that the modern manager must carry out. Page that knowing itself to administer can generate income that benefit to him. Robert Greene takes a slightly different approach. The School must be entered more in the economic, social problems, with its community, municipality, government, services of the health and others.

To grant prizes to the best contributions for its development, projection, to institute an order to the merit for those professionals who really have contributed great solutions, for the companies where they serve his. Recognition guaranteed by results properly guaranteed by a responsible commission that is identified totally with the merit, the academic thing, results, not by friendship, figuration, policy, it influences. To institute a prize of recognition to the student to withdraw of administration, that contributes transformations, ideas that favor the unfolding of the School. Prize that can share with the collaboration from the University to which it belongs. A related site: Josyann Abisaab mentions similar findings. We hope, that the exigencies of the present time make wake up once and for all to the new directive and it conducts all those battles that know to take the opportunity that the present offers him, is already time to say it is enough to the figuratividad and to transform to the School, in a proactive Institution that allows him to integrate itself with others at international level and of step a the changes that he can generate, a School able to initiate a new paradigm within the critical reality that confronts. We hope that the new one directive of passage to the light that requires a School that is been per years developing in the shades, losing itself the opportunities that it has had. The Program of postgraduate of the specialty of management of the Quality and productivity of the Area of Postgraduate of Phases, Valencia to that I coordinate offers its support to him in everything what it allows him to fulfill his programs, especially, as for academic level.

Wise Book

I liked several things in this short book of 48 pages, the Dr. Suzanne makes special emphasis in identifying the type of metabolism that we own, each person has one different one as if outside the fingerprint. For this it is needed to listen our body while we eat, for this the doctor provides the tools necessary to identify the type of metabolism that we have. Generally, the book top secret fat loss secret speaks about problematic questions of the liver and colon that create a direct problem with the routine to lose weight that you could be taking. Sometimes it has been asked because deshaserce of that swelling in the average part of its body cannot although it makes exercise per hours? Good, the problem is its colon and liver there. If I begin to say everything to him what this in the book could be demanded! So the unique thing that I will say to him is that if wants to accelerate the lost one of weight and to obtain results without losing the hope, I suggest to him at least throws a look to him to the plan detox that the Dr. Suzanne has including cleaning their colon of a totally natural form. Detox of 3 days is the plan that will help you and to their colon to return to the healthful way.

The Dr. Suzanne assures that you can lose from 20 to 50 Libras in a month, that is to say, of 9 to 22 kg in a month. Half of these numbers is what will manage to reject cleaning its colon with the plan detox of the Dr, Suzanne, which means that its colon was full of waste all this time. In the book also it would find detailed information about the suitable combination of different meals, Wise person you who certain types of proteins do not even take with the fruits and rich more healthful fiber vegetables and when doing it can create problems in the mental and physical health?

Los Angeles

To live the moment is something sacred. In fact, the present is GIFT, literally. What it gives the life you is a gift. What it makes you feel somebody is a gift. What you feel by somebody is a gift. And if you feel ALIGNED AND SO YOU THINK AND YOU FEEL, you act equally. You outside do not create external conflicts with stupid speeches about the catchphrase that sells more and more damage causes. In summary, if I FEEL SOMETHING by somebody I do not lie down with another somebody.

The life of the sacred heart does not work thus. Unless solutions which you feel and DES door to which it did not deserve that place. Today I am going to make a confession very intimate: that loving world that presents/displays this society to me makes sick to me, disgusts, gives verguenza me to me universal, enormous verguenza from which I do not know how to flee. I have realized of which I am happier being with same me that with a man. The relations ” amorosas” they are really degrading in this planet is too sad how the game of the EGO works with with respect to the relations. Everybody wishes to be loved but very few wish to love. Very few wish to show who are because that does damage to them and what they do not know is that when you are unfaithful of all the possible ways with same you it is when you suffer, when you really burst on the inside.

I have been all my pure life naivete, pure heart, pure truth and am tired of as much earthly excrement and as much game cheap. I am debilitated and exhausted. I do not need to demonstrate itself same who I am or how I feel. I do it constantly. The moment lives. It buys my product, is the best one. And in addition, you only have east moment to enjoy it. Because you are not sufficient like soul nor like human, you need my complete and complete product to be. The moment lives. It savors the moment. Vvelo. Vvelo Rompe the moment. Cargtelo completely. It lives as you want. There is no time, neither that to lose nor that to win. There is no time. You are more than sufficient for me, you are everything. And there is no product that is going to honor your BEING as do I it. Alive the moment and I do not confuse my wounds. clean, them healthy but within me and not outside. When the heart feels can feel it everything and see it everything, although he is something very painful to see and to feel. That resource is obtained throughout many lives and of much experience about the heart of each of us. I do not know what will feel the people when I speak of the sacred heart but I am speaking of a loving and delicate heart, of a heart that only Los Angeles can take in this life not to feel empathy by others also can cause to heart attacks not to express what you really feel, be that as it may, also can cause heart attacks. The heart is fragile, very fragile. Cudalo and tries well to be honest with the other and to give peace, serenity and calm to them. But mainly, it knows the love before demanding it.


” The happy people remember but positive events of which in fact they happened and forget more the events negativos” Dr. Martin E.P. Seligman As a result of an extensive search on the true happiness, psychologist Maritn E.P. Seligman reached very interesting conclusions and one of them is that the people with genetic tendency to the happiness forget the negative events with much facility and tend to remember positive events frequently and they even get to invent them if they did not happen. As we already know, the importance of being happy is grandsima then we cannot attract positive things if we are in negative states. For this week I would like recomendarte the following tips that they will help once and for all deshacerte of the negatividad that as much affects your life, your health, your economy and your relations.

Tip #1 Recuerda or invents so many positive events as it is possible to you. It on a daily basis takes minutes during this week to remember the happiest events of your life, obtains to a newspaper and titlalo: The things that to fascinate to me to remember, writes graceful anecdotes, experiences and situations and positive floods of happiness and outcomes. Tip # 2 Expande your you limit of happiness. In you yourself newspaper it abre a called section That so happy it could get to be? and it lets run your imagination thinking about the things that could sucederte and that you would make happier than never you have been. Some ideas: What objectives I have when they were fulfilled would return to me crazy from happiness? What would fascinate places to me to visit? In which it was of the humanity would be very happy living? What things would give a maximum state me of happiness? Tip # 3 Despgate of the negative memories. When your mind goes away towards the past, some negative event for advertirte that can be repeated or recordarte that you do not have to trust olvdalo, you do not follow the game to your mind and beam to him of account that negative event did not happen. It imagines that you have a magical rough draft that allows you to erase of the mind those negative experiences and brralas, later when you feel attemped to remember them mental beam one notita for acordarte of which that event no longer exists. – You liked east article?