Healing Whiplash

Naturopaths Wolfgang Scholz from Munich, Germany informed the cervical distortion, better known as whiplash, is an acceleration injury of the cervical spine. You comes in the wake of massive, sudden force applied to the human body and is associated with nausea, pain, and the failure of various body functions. Common cause are traffic accidents or various martial arts. Amusement devices such as roller coasters and bumper cars, which generate a significant force on the organism, represent another source of danger. Practitioner and expert in SOT chiropractic, Wolfgang Scholz, reported the painful disease and the therapeutic applicability of SOT chiropractic.

Conventional medicine judged four degrees of severity of whiplash injuries. In the first degree in the neck and shoulders ache, the cause of which lies in a stretching of muscles and ligaments. This it can cause stiffness and restrictions of movement ability. The second severity of the cervical spine distortion shows balance disorders, Dizziness, headaches and impaired vision, lack of concentration and reduced memory performance. Injured nerve roots are the cause of these effects. Motor failure phenomena of the upper extremities and pain form the third heavy degrees of whiplash injuries.

HWS Distorsions of the fourth severity resulting from the irreparable injury of the spinal cord. They range up to lethal trending errors of the intestine from the weakening and failure of the legs and feet. The SOT chiropractic interpreted a whiplash injury as vertebral Subluxionskomplex”with four major causes: hyperextension: hyperextension refers the overstretch ligaments, nerves and arteries. Hyper reflection: reflection of hyper means excess flexion of vertebrae, intervertebral discs and nerves. Muscle injuries: The injury of muscles here refers to the adjacent muscles. Spinal cord injury: The force of an accident is able to move the vertebrae resulting in a spinal cord injury. To Compared with insurance to avoid SOT chiropractors recommend issues of burden of proof, to make an MRI for every whiplash. The importance of this recommendation it is clear from the US literature, the whiplash injuries often brings with intervertebral disc damage in connection, if this is occasionally denied by German experts. An accurate diagnosis provides evidence and helps to strive for an accurate treatment. Purely medical measures seem to be able to treat whiplash injuries often not sustainable. This conclusion can be reached on the basis of a scientific study, which was conducted on 43 patients with cervical Distorsions. After an average period of 10.8 years, 88 percent of those affected are still on pain of different thickness complained. Only 12 percent said life complaints without. SOT chiropractors report, however, a significant success through thorough diagnosis and targeted adjustment pulses. SOT chiropractors Wolfgang Scholz has experienced this on my own body. An accident, the he on the way to a colleague suffered, ended with a whiplash injury that quickly manifested itself in slight headaches and finally very strong pain stimuli. Now these SOT treatment, performed by his colleagues, professionally worked at head and spine 30 minutes soothing. Three hours later, the pain disappeared completely and did not return.