To the times the neighbors asked for some loaned to it and they did not return. Then old Zuza was nervous. Certain day a boy came, the control of the father, to ask for loaned the hand saw to it, what the old one answered: – Boy, return and say your father who, comes if it comes was and came comes, it comes went, but as go-and-he comes goes and he does not come, go-and-come not vai' '. Unhappyly I did not obtain I discovered who is the author of the text, but I remember that in the layer of the book it had some regions of Brazil in a map colorful: it had a seringueiro in a tip, a cattle tender in the other, a man of wide pants (gaucho) and so on. I arrested the attention in the name of the book We go to study! This age a species of invitation, I also know that the author was Teobaldo Miranda Saints and the book published for the Publishing company TO ACT. I was learning to see details with books of my brothers and learned the decorated texts, me to appear ' ' saliente' ' my father said smiling. In the nights of they will be, while the workers of roa waited the hour to sleep, threshing maize, my older brother, the order of mine, father, sat down in a chair, the greater pachorra, and read ' ' romances' ' of Twine literature ****, that my father always bought in the fair. I remember the first one that I decorated the romance of the Kingdom of the Sea Without End these rhymed texts help in the memorization and in this I always was very good. Therefore I refer myself what Cezar Coll regarding the learning says: ' ' they show that the peculiar combination between equality and mutuality created in the diverse approaches, make with that each one particularly is adjusted to carry through one definitive type of learning.