The answer is a resounding Yes, as it has been demonstrated conclusively through extensive studies throughout the world and by independent councils, health that offers a vegetarian diet is much healthier which includes meat and animal products. This is true for all ages and the different types of vegetarians, from children to adults, and includes pregnant and lactating women. Studies have found a direct statistical correlation between the consumption of meat and vegetarianism and as these foods increase the health benefits or how decrease it. The likelihood of developing chronic diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart disease, obesity, kidney disease, osteoporosis and cancer, is greatly reduced between vegetarians and vegans up to forty percent. Along with these statistics and favorable news, the possibilities of extending the years of life can increase significantly. Due to these benefits, health insurance companies usually offer discounted rates to the vegetarians and vegans.
For decades, the idea that a vegetarian diet lacked protein basic to healthy eating was common. As more information has come to light about the benefits of being vegetarian, the misconception of the public has changed. It is already clear that vegetarians can get enough proteins. Not only it is easy to have a balanced diet, if not that the idea that this requires a special effort if you are vegetarian or vegan is very exaggerated. The concern appears when the diet is limited to a few foods, as it is the case in many countries of the third world where rice, for example, is the staple food. In industrialized countries, however, where people eat a variety of foods every day, eat too much protein causes the same effects as eating very little, even for vegetarians and vegans. The British Medical Association (BMA) was the first institution to shed light on the many benefits of a vegetarian diet in a report in 1986.
About the based on a large volume of research, it was concluded that not only vegetarians tend to have a cholesterol lower, also significantly reduces cases of coronary heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, certain types of cancer, gallstones, and large bowel disorders. The World Health Organization (who) offered their own findings on vegetarian diets and vegan in a 1991 report. WHO not only confirmed the results of the BMA if not that also found that diets rich in meat and dairy products promote diseases such as osteoporosis or low bone density and renal failure. The report openly criticized governments that promote the meat and dairy products as the necessary nutrients and bases food, urging policies more vegetarian based on the vegetarian food pyramid and relegate to the animal to the condition of optional products. The positive results of vegan and vegetarian diets have also been reported by the Association dietary Americana (ADA), which is among the list of its major protectors. The ADA is one of the most respected tables worldwide in advising dieteticvo. For more than two decades, the international medical evidence has supported vegetarian diets and vegan, which have been increasing overwhelmingly, and their originals are not discussed at today and real benefits. Original author and source of the article