In the City of Salvador, in years 50 and 60 of the last century they were known focos of infection for the S. mansoni in areas of the urban perimeter (Levee of the Toror) and in lagoons located in more peripheral quarters (e.g., Placaford, Park of Pituau, Jaguaribe and adjacencies, among others) 6 natural. From year 2001, in the City of Salvador it was greater the advance of the process of municipalizao of the services of assistance to the health and for this time passed to be observed the increasing number of lapsing of oxamniquine or praziquantel on the part of doctors of some teams of the Program of Health of Famlia (PSF) of the Railroad Suburb. This index of cases in the quarter of Bartolomeu occurs for the socioeconmico degree of this population. The actions of control of esquistossomose come being adopted in systematic and including way since 1976, with specific medication availability, tolerated well, of easy administration and good esquistossomicida power (MS, 1977). Mainly based in the accomplishment of coproscpicos inquiries in the population of 7 the 14 years and selective chemotherapy (treatment of carriers in specific etria band) or in mass (treatment of carriers and familiar or, exactly, all the population), according to prevalence, the Special Program of Control of the Esquistossomose (Pece) the Northeast region had as area of with priority performance. The election of the pertaining to school etria band, must it the fact of that in this group the biggest prevalences and intensities of infection for the S are observed.
mansoni, in function of the biggest exposition to the hdricas collections contaminated by excrements (Barreto, 1987; Kloetzel, 1990). election of the pertaining to school etria band, must it the fact of that in this group the biggest prevalences and intensities of infection for the S are observed. mansoni, in function of the biggest exposition to the hdricas collections contaminated by excrements (Barreto, 1987; Kloetzel, 1990).