Gas chromatography is a widely used analytical method for determining the components of mixtures. It is used in the medical field, where food chemistry, biology, forensics and environmental analysis. The operation of gas chromatograph based on the fact that a small quantity of the substance to be tested is mixed with a carrier substance is. This carrier is referred to as “mobile phase”, for use in gas chromatography are inert gases (gases which are very lazy and it is difficult to chemical reactions) are involved with good flow properties. The most commonly used gas is nitrogen, but also hydrogen and helium can be used in gas chromatography as a carrier. This mixture is then fed through a tube that is designated as a column or analytical column. Depending on the application different columns are used, which vary in diameter and length. The column consists of either metal or lined with polyimide quartz, this material is considered as “stationary phase”known. The separation column is mounted in the GC oven, serves to temper the precise column. The temperature is either held constant or controlled increased to achieve a rapid separation of the substance to be analyzed into their various components. The working principle of gas chromatography based on the fact that every substance has a characteristic evaporation in the column. One of the separation column after switched detector records the agents who have left the substance to be tested already. The detector signal, which is also known as “peak”. Each peak corresponds to a particular substance, the recorded substances can then be assigned to known substances. The analysis of the peaks is now made mostly from a computer with appropriate software.