
As St. John Chrysostom wrote: "We will try as possible to help the dead, instead of tears, instead of weeping rather pompous tombs – our prayers for them, alms and offerings, in order thus to them and we get Promised benefits. " On Tuesday, the second week after Easter, the day after Quasimodo (or "Antipashi"), the Orthodox Church established All Souls' Day, the first after the Passover. This day is called Radonitsa and Easter is for the dead. This year he celebrated the Russian Orthodox Church on May 3. Radonitsa – holiday victory over the grief, sorrow and death. For Orthodox Christians Radonitsa is a special day All Souls' relatives.

It is an ancient custom of celebrating Easter on the graves of the dead, not to mourn the death of loved ones, but on the contrary, to rejoice in the birth of their eternal life. In ancient pagan Rus Radonitsa or Trizna were deities personifying guardians of souls of dead people. Immediately after the funeral Radonitsa sacrifices in the form of abundant feasting and libations at the burial mounds. It was believed that not otletevshaya soul of the deceased rejoices looking at the respect and reverence it provide real people. Funeral feast called himself Navim day, graves, or Radavanitsami Trizna. Centuries later, the "funeral" was called a wake, and "Memorial Easter" – Spring commemoration of the dead. In the spring, when poured juice and blooming nature, our ancestors tried to appease especially souls of the dead. Today many people consider it their duty to go to the cemetery on Easter Sunday itself, Considering that on this day to visit graves and commemorate the dead.