
FINAL CONSIDERAES We conclude that this work in provided knowledge to them on the autismo before unknown or disregarded by in, facilitating the diagnosis of practises clinic before the boarded subject. The mental health approaches innumerable specialties, therefore it is interesting to go deep itself on subjects to this type of illness. In this process we can perceive predominant factors how much to the development of the carrying children of autismo, as well as factors constitutional how much to the interatividade relation. This work facilitated the learning describing the definitions that guide the diagnosis and emphasizing that the autista possesss capacities that always must be valued, difficulty all has, but and necessary if to go deep a study as this to learn to treat the autista as a normal human being. In short we can say that the work as well as study on infantile autismo guided in them so that professional let us be enabled to giving to it on this subject, not devaluating the child, but yes treating so that it can be part of the world surrounds that it. The treatment is also understood that as well as all the children the carriers of the autismo possess individual particularitities, therefore must be differentiated for each type of patient since each one possesss a different pathological gravity one of the other.

Necessary beyond everything to see the autista with a multicriteria clinical look so that its type of behavior is identified, therefore each one of them of the preference the moments and distinct environments. The child who possesss a professional accompaniment has evolution chance better, therefore exactly being one less abrasive insanity the understanding of a specialist is of basic importance for the improvement of the development of the child. DATA OF AUTHORS Bianca Ariani End: Square Souto Soares Tel: 77 81030712 Clria Queiroz End: Tel: Dbora Silva End: Av. ACM. 1310 Tel: 77 – 88030440 Dborah Mariellen End: Tel: Sara Rodrigues End: Tel: Emerson End Mafia: Tel: REFERENCES ALBUQUERQUE, C.A. ; CROSS, M.C.S. ; RUTHES, B.L. General panorama on the Autstico Upheaval.

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