The decurrent complications of the obesidade are several, since diabetes, hipertenso infarto acute of the myocardium, amongst others. does not think that the inhibiting medicine use of appetite is the made right solution more. All the people who take remedies need medical lapsing and accompaniment of a doctor, therefore the inhibiting calls of appetite have made that nor always they are favorable. is clearly must have behavior change, also in the alimentary habits, therefore of the one not to take these medicines to the life all. Then it uses to advantage the tips to follow, it associates exercises, balanced diet and healthful habits, for who it knows to arrive at the summer in good optimum form and with more health and quality of life. It confers the 14 goals of the alimentary education, indicated for the Center of Reference in Nutrition of the College of Public Health of the University of So Paulo (USP). 1) It makes of 5 the 6 meals per day. 2) Fruits in the dessert and the snacks.
3) It eats vegetables and vegetables in the lunch and the supper. 4) The portion of meat must be of the size of the palm of the hand. 5) It changes the animal fat for vegetable and consummates with moderation. 6) It moderates in the sugars and candies. 7) It diminishes the rich salt and foods in sodium. 8) It consummates milk or derived in the recommended amount. 9) It consummates at least 1 portion of integral cereal. 10) It eats a portion of leguminosas per day.
11) It reduces the alcohol. It prevents the daily consumption. 12) It at least drinks 2 liters of water per day. 13) It makes every day at least 30 minutes of physical activity. 14) It appreciates its meal. It eats to devagar. still the five tips left for the endocrinologistas in the program welfare, shown in day 21/09/2011.