Teenage Alcoholism

Statistics of teenage alcoholism According to statistics the majority of students in grades 6 already gained access to alcohol: not only the tried and bought their own alcohol-containing beverages a variety, as well as wine, beer and Champagne. Many children and adolescents enter into the alcohol by their parents and older relatives. With age, adolescents become more and more alcohol, and 11% of students in 8th grade are at risk for developing alcoholism. K 11 class 39% of students drink alcohol weekly, which leads to the development of adolescent alcoholism. The consequences of teenage alcohol abuse effects of regular alcohol use in adolescence significantly serious and dangerous than alcohol dependence in adulthood. The effects of alcohol at a time when there is growth and development of all vital systems and functions of man, leads to terrible results. Here are some of them: – high blood pressure, tachycardia, etc.) – the deterioration of bone tissue, in particular, the development of disorders of the spine – kidney and urinary tract (urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis) – early start sexual life leads to a weakening of sexual function, infertility and inability to bear and give birth to offspring – in emotional disorders.

Treatment of adolescent alcohol abuse treatment adolescent alcoholism carried out by traditional methods, including coding of alcoholism. But there are certain features of the treatment of alcohol dependence in porostkov. An important aspect in the treatment of adolescent alcoholism is timeliness of diagnosis, to avoid serious complications. Teenage alcoholism is difficult to treat, because at this age can not use many drugs. Treatment better iprovodit hospital under mandatory supervision of physicians (including therapists).