The instrument for collection of data was a questionnaire (appendix 1), structuralized with 3 open questions where it was filled in the workstation of the interviewed ones. The research did not involve risks for the citizens, being the same ones questioned concerning the education for health carried through for nurses on DST to the group of the third age. The secrecy of the collected information and the anonymity of the informers had been guaranteed, in the presentation the names of the participants will not be cited thus being will not bring risks to the same ones having followed the norms of resolution 196/96 on the ethical aspects in research. the research was approved by the Committee of Ethics in Research of the City department of Round health in return. The period for collection of data was of April the May of 2010.
After the collection of data the questionnaires had been analyzed and the reply they had been grouped in categories. ' ' Questionnaire is a set of questions, systematically articulated that if destine to raise it information written for parts of the citizens searched with sights to know the opinion of the same ones on the subjects of estudo' '. 14 III – ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF the DATA the data analyze had been submitted it and after to examine the speech of the nurses of UBS and UBSF concerning the education for health on DST to the group of the third age and successive readings of the depositions, the given questions had been grouped in categories. We evidence that 96,6% of the deponents are of feminine sex and 3,3 of the masculine sex and that 63.3% of these act in UBS and UBSF of 1 the 6 years and 36.7% with bigger period that 6 years; 73.3% possess specialization with bigger focus in health of the family and 26.7% do not possess specialization.