Workplace Health Tips

Sustainable BGM in small businesses it is possible due to demographic change and ongoing shortage significantly long healthy to get the existing staff the operation. The positive consequences of the occupational health management (BGM) include reduced medical costs and absenteeism a better working environment and increased labour productivity so more and more employers introduce a BGM in their operation. To the efficient and long-term implementation of health promotion in the setting operation, is corresponding multifunctional know-how necessary, that can be implemented either by its own BGM experts or through cooperation with external specialists and networks in enterprises. Not the resources sustainable BGM in small farms possible just small and medium-sized companies is often alone optimally implement a BGM. Companies build a BGM will make with the new initiative of the German College for prevention and health ( and of the DSSV health at the workplace itself” support and qualification possibilities offered for BGM competent staff as well as health consultants and service providers in this area. These educational solutions, companies can qualify own professionals for BGM such as specialist for occupational health management”(Chamber of Commerce) or master of the DHfPG with a focus on BGM.

Specialist for BGM”the BSA-Akademie qualifies the participants to develop a holistic approach to the BGM quality assured and lasting into the organizational structure to implement. The study focus BGM in the master of prevention and health management of the German University qualified for the conception, management and implementation of projects and measures of workplace health promotion (WHP) and establishing a BGM in a company. Company Description BSA Academy: The BSA-Akademie is ISO certified and with ca. 130, 000 participants since 1983 a leading education provider in the market of the future prevention, fitness, and health. With the help of about 50 State approved courses career changers how fitness professionals can qualify individually: getting started in the industry succeed with B license “-Lehrgangen such as for fitness, training, nutrition and mental fitness.