The ferropnica anemia is a condition in which the body lacks red blood cells due to the insufficient supply of iron. The red blood cells are necessary because they transport oxygen by the body and help to eliminate the residues, such as carbon dioxide. The anemia by iron deficiency is the most common form of anemia; some of their causes include the loss of blood, the lack of iron in the diet and the incapacity of the body to absorb the iron. Following the causes, the symptoms of the anemia sometimes can happen unnoticed, as the deficiency becomes more serious, the symptoms also get worse. Some of most common include headache, tire, difficulty to breathe, mareos, irritability, pallor, fragile arrhythmia, nails and itch.
The goad is when an individual has abnormal cravings of nonnutritious materials, such as the ice or the starch. The most common cause of the anemia by iron deficiency is the loss of blood. The women who have lasting menstrual periods can to develop this type of anemia. The pregnancy is another possible cause, because their bodies need majors amounts iron to provide to themselves and to the fetus. Some women who lose blood during the childbirth, also have an anemia risk.
Another one of the common causes of the anemia by iron deficiency that are related to the loss of blood is the internal hemorrhage, if an individual has a chronic loss of blood by an ulcer, a uterine tumor, polyps, cancer or fibromas, can lose much iron in a period of short time. Some people experience gastrointestinal bleeding by the excessive use of aspirina or nonesteroideos medecines antiinflammatories (AINE). The second more common cause of the anemia by iron deficiency is to have a low diet in nutrients, the people who do not consume rich iron foods with regularity have a greater risk to develop the condition, the spinach, the fortified kidney beans and foods contribute to contained iron stops and other essential nutrients for the correct development and operation of the organism. For some people, the anemia by iron deficiency can be caused by the incapacity of the body to absorb the iron, this can happen with certain intestinal upheavals, like the disease of Crohn or the celaca disease, and also usually it happens after an intestinal surgery, some used medecines to diminish the acidity of the stomach, for example, they make difficult the iron absorption. After it has been determined, the anemia by iron deficiency is treatable. If the anemia is caused by an inadequate diet, it can be tried by means of the increase of the ingestion of rich iron foods and taking I supplement of ordinary iron. When the anemia must to the loss of blood caused by an underlying condition, the doctors must tackle the problem cause about bleeding, within the treatment for the women with excess of loss of blood during the period, the oral contraceptives are part of the treatment, for the ulcers, the treatment is based on antibiotics although in some cases it is necessary surgery to extirpate fibromas or polyps.