Weight Loss

To avoid chewing-gum: when we chewed a chewing-gum we tend to swallow air, again producing air agglomeration in the belly that produces swelling. To decide on foods without sugar: the sugar is another cause of inflammation reason why it is recommended to moderate his ingestion. To diminish the sodium consumption: we must be taken care of of foods with high sodium content since to consume them in abundance they attempt against our objective to own a flat abdomen. Indeed therefore, we must watch the labels that detail the nutritional value so that we do not surpass sodium the maximum daily ingestion of 2300 mgs in the case of a healthy adult. To eat beans and those vegetables that produce gases with well-taken care of: when we are not accustomed its consumption is possible that they produce gases to us, the same happens to vegetables, the cabbages of Brucelas, the broccoli and cauliflower.

Although when reading this we can have the idea to eliminate them completely of our diet, would be an error since they are very nutritious. The ideal would be to eat them with moderation so that the organism is accustomed to them and we pruned to diminish the annoying gas production. To eat every 3 or 4 hours: the advantage that brings east habit is that we avoided attacks of hunger, calmed solely by means of abundant meals that take to abdominal swelling, sensation of slowness and general malaise. When realising this division we must contemplate the amount of calories so that they do not surpass our needs. 10) To eliminate the retained liquid: in some cases the abdominal inflammation is produced by the liquid retention.

It is very common that the organism retains liquid for its later use when the water ingestion or other drinks is deficient for the needs of the same. In order to prevent it he is recommendable to drink a greater amount of water during the day gradually until arriving at least at both liters of water, the serious ideal a liter by each 25 kg of weight. Very well, now you know keys important to maintain your abdomen flat, nevertheless, you will be able to know the secrets definitive to manage to thin belly as well as all your body from this same moment doing CLICK HERE. Original author and source of the article.