A large number of previous studies suggested that diets rich in protein are good for weight loss, although they wouldn’t clear the reason for this. The more satiating capacity of proteins compared to carbohydrates, seemed to be on the basis of these results. Scientists from the University of Wollongong (New Welsh of the South, Australia) have conducted a study, published in Nutrition & Dietetics, pointing in another direction; Although more than oppose the above argument, could join him. They analyzed the metabolism of obese people and compared with that of those of normal weight. The first conclusion arrived at which is obese is more difficult to metabolise or burn their fat. The second, that this difficulty reduces if they eat a diet rich in proteins. The study made during three days in 18 adults of an age around 40 years.
Of these, 4 were obese, 8 were overweight and 6 had a normal weight. When they took foods rich in carbohydrates and poor in proteins (14%), proved that obese and overweight had more difficulty to burn its fat. However, when it increased the amount of protein up to 30%, this senior when it comes to burning fat is significantly reduced. These results, which seem (and indeed are) hopeful, must however qualified on several important issues. Firstly, him not it cannot be concluded that the proteins slim; that, according to Marijka Batterham, one of the researchers, remaining for another later study. What does seem certain is that by reducing the body fat, a healthier body composition could be obtained. On the other hand, have to be prudent in determining a diet rich in protein, since it could assume certain well-known health risks: among others, kidney problems and, in general, a higher intake of saturated fat derivatives.
Precisely, due to the risk of increasing saturated fats which would mean a diet rich in proteins, the scientists who conducted the study proposed fat as dairy foods, lean meat and eggs. In addition, they are investigating whether the beneficial effect of better burn fats also occurs where the origin of proteins is vegetable, such as beans or nuts. Therefore, it is advisable to act with prudence, take a varied diet (that Yes, with abundance of proteins that do not contain saturated fat, such as fish or chicken), do some physical exercise and, above all, do all this under medical control.