Health Department

Although some countries had not obtained to reach the goal proposal for (OMS), including Brazil, the stated period needed to be coats and extending for 2005 and later for 2010 (MORAL, 2010). The prevalence of hansenase in Brazil in 1990 was of 18,5 of cases in and 10.000 inhabitants, passing the 3,88 for 10.000 inhabitants in 2003 with a significant reduction, however hansenase still if titula with a problem of public health (WEDGE et al, 2007). According to, it had a reduction of 30% of new cases of hansenase, the graph below shows a reduction enters the year of 2003 2008.Figura9: Numbers of cases of hansenase in Brazil enter year 2003 the 2008. Source: Blacksmith et al., (2009), the World-wide Organization of Sade (OMS) presented the current situation in the world and Brazil in accordance with given of 2008, he was registered 249,000 new cases of Hansenase in 127 countries. The countries with bigger incidence of the illness are Angola, Bangladesh, Brazil, China, the Congo, India, Etipia, Indonesia, Madagascar, Moambique, Nepal, Nigria, Phillipino, Srilanka, Sudan and Tanznia.

okNo Brazil the reached areas more are the regions North, Center-West and Northeast with high detention of new cases of hansenase in comparison the regions of the South and Southeast (HEALTH DEPARTMENT, 2008). The individual imunolgicas conditions are a factor that influences in the risk of adoecer for hansenase, the socioeconmicas conditions and cultural, between them the levels of distribution and propagation of endemic disease are related as the life conditions precarious and of health, low escolaridade and the number of people coexisting in the same surrounding and immigratory movements facilitate the expansion of illness (AMARAL; LANA, 2008).