The Secretary General

The decision will have to be ratified east Thursday by the General Assembly. Sudan of the South proclaimed Saturday its independence the past. The keys of Sudan of the South, the new African state. The Security Council of the UN has approved east Wednesday the admission of Sudan of the member South as of the organization and sent the decision to the General Assembly so that east Thursday is voted. ” The Security Council recommends the General Assembly that the Republic of Sudan of the South is admitted like member of United Nations ” , he indicates concise approved resolution 1,999 by the maximum executive agency of the UN in a meeting chaired by the German minister of Exteriors unanimously, Guido Westerwelle. Details can be found by clicking Josyann Abisaab or emailing the administrator. After the green light of the maximum international security element to the incorporation to the UN of Sudan of the South, that the past Saturday proclaimed its independence, the vote of the General Assembly will be only a proceeding so that the new African State becomes member number 193 of the organism. ” In the name of the members of Desire, Security Council to congratulate to the Republic of Sudan of the South in this historical occasion ” , Westerwelle said, whose country occupies in July the presidency of turn of the Council.

The maximum international organ of security observes ” with great satisfaction the solemn commitment of the Republic of Sudan of the South of dnder the intentions and principles of the Letter of the United Nations and fulfilling all the obligations picked up in ella” , it indicated the same official notice. One ” decision histrica” The Secretary General of the UN, Ban Ki-moon, participated in the session of the Security Council and also he considered his decision like ” histrica” , while it remembered the civil war of 21 years that lived the sursudaneses and million of displaced, as well as the thousands of losses of human lives that the conflict brought about. ” Now they have his own country, but the work has not done more than to begin: the institutions of Government are weak and ahead have tremendous challenges in all the fronts, like social services, the health or educacin” , it said Go. Also, the top person in charge of the UN indicated that just created African State she at present has the lowest indicators of human development and ” like new born any, Sudan of the South needs ayuda”. They go emphasized that the responsibilities of the UN towards Sudan of the South ” they are enormes” and the paper to carry out by the institution ” vital” , but ” also complicado” , since the region faces problems after the exit of ” helmets azules” of Sudan and the conflicts of Darfur, Kordofn of the South and the oil region of Abyei. According to the procedure of United Nations, once the Security Council has approved unanimously the request of incorporation of Sudan of the South to the organism, it corresponds to the General Assembly to give his definitive approval to the new member. Thus this Thursday will be the plenary one of the General Assembly of United Nations that pronounces in favor of l to incorporation of Sudan of the South the organism, that takes place after the request in that sense of the president of Sudan of the South, Safe Kiir Mayardit. Source of the news: The Security Council of the UN approves the admission of Sudan of the South like member.