Quality Marble And Granite Design

Marble and granite – today remains perhaps the most practical design and architectural resheniem.Naturalnye stones, just like the time-tested marble and granite – a magnificent building and decorative finishing material. Over the millennia, he attracts the attention of all who wish to have their home or interior looked truly luxurious. Robust – perhaps superior quality marble and granite. Throughout world natural stone is considered a symbol of strength and durability, and its products differ endless variety, uniqueness, antique charm, which is why so great an interest in marble and granite. In general, noble Granite – is the most common type of rock on earth. We can say that the age of granite is the age of the earth itself, as the granite was formed from liquid magma, in the event of our planet. Liquid magma, slowly cooling down, went out through the cracks and voids of the crust and formed a substance approaching the hardness and wear resistance to steel. This substance in 1596 was named the Italian scientist Andrea brazilwood granite that the Latin translates as corn. Plush products from granite will never lose popularity, they are practically not affected by the environment. Stage of granite can resist a long time weather conditions while maintaining its original appearance. The service life of granite steps, depending on the type of stone is from fifty to three hundred years. Curb of granite – a unique opportunity to preserve the beauty and refinement of the pavement for decades. For aesthetic granite curb – is: a monumental view of design, choice of colors and textures, an individual approach in the production of granite curbs will realize any ideas. To date, a marble surface of one of the most practical and convenient flooring and walls, both in the household and in workplaces, it is durable, and behind it is not so difficult .Sovremenny marble – long-lasting, durable, resistant to temperature and humidity of finishing material used for both internal and external works, all the advantages of marble can be a long list. Due to the fact that the marble is easily easy to work with and easy to polish, it is widely used in construction (especially for interior design) and for sculpture (especially white, slightly translucent variety). The color of marbles are divided into white and colored (Pink, yellow, gray, blue, green, reddish, black, brown, and various combinations of these colors). Characteristic of the presence of colored marble veins, which are cracks filled with natural tsementami. not identify separately the strength of the raw materials, proper maintenance of marble and granite, this stone will last you a century. Stone – it seems that he is older than time itself. He saw everything. He saw a young planet, playing irrepressible force, spewing out their entrails billions and billions of tons of solid. He saw the Great Ocean seized the land in his arms, and in the depths of his life began. Silent and stern, stone keeps the memory of four billions of years. Its texture and pattern – not just a dress, in which he appears before his audience. It is petrified music centuries. Each stone is unique, as unique human experiences. Figure marble and granite – as if frozen mood. He may be anxious, mischievous, expressive, stoically calm, royally majestic. Thus, the unique products of marble and granite will transform a boring and dull surface, revive the public garden or park, will bring freshness to the environment, will help create your own unique style of interior, so the use of marble and granite was probably always be relevant.