Its work has recognition for the people of the community, for its envolvement in the work with children, young and adolescents. beyond working with the deficient physicists and appearances, through the dance and workshops of musics. It rescues Dana of the Horse Pianc de Amarante. In Oeiras the group of conscience is created black and apns that she searchs to rescue the black culture and valuation of the descending afros, beyond participation in some meeting the state and regional level with objective to fight against the racial discrimination. In Parnaba, with support of Lourdinha, Edivan, Arlete and Irm Salom the group is created Roots that later if identify with the Black Agents of Pastoral. Foot.
Raymond celebrates the mass afro in the shell acoustics of the city, with participation of some groups of capoeira. Carried through the stage in the Square of the history of the European invasion and the black slavery. They had carried through some celebrations, meeting and they establish the group afro of Piracuruca with support of some Leaders of the Pastoral of the child. With support of Golden Joo and Aguiar Installation it is formed in the city of Peaks and New Forest fire, with incentive in the work of Osmarina and family the formation of the leadership coordination quilombola, later is created the nucleus of joint of the Quilombolas of the Piau. Currently they make the Quilombolas Fair of the Piau in the Square Peter II, this fair congregates 1500 more than quilombolas come of all the State of the Piau. In this communitarian work the art has incentive afro and partnership with the MST, to divulge the organic products produced in the nestings and quilombos. The Member of the house of representatives Olavo Rebelo directs the State legislature the law project that creates law 5,046 of 07 of January of 1999. He determines in the Piau, day the 06 of September as State Day of the Black Conscience, in homage the hope Garci’the first slave to write for the authorities being denounced the bad-treatments received for the slaves of the time of the slavery.