
In Durkheim, now, we can analyze its concern in treating Sociology? a rising science at that moment? as a worthy science of its name, with its rules, laws, methods, objectives, hypotheses, etc. In this manner, in dialogue with sciences of the nature, Durkheim makes use of concepts as ' ' funo' ' (indicating a physiology) and ' ' estruturas' ' (indicating a morphology), to mention itself to the sociological study. That is, Durkheim sees the society as a whole constituted of its parts, where these responsible for are determined functions. It is an analogy to the human body, in which the brain withholds a main function, but would not live without the heart, the kidneys, the liver, the lung, etc. Is in this direction that if of a construction of the structure of the thought of Durkheim.

However, with this, we can see that it also has a method used for Durkheim here, when making its analysis from functions, inserting them in a bigger structure? the society. To the light of Weber, we have now the concern to delimit a way to act of the citizen of the research with regard to its object, when working with the idea of ' ' neutrality axiolgica' ' ; that is, for Weber, the researcher does not have to insert value judgment some in its study, and to work with the biggest possible objetividade. In this direction, the only moments where the researcher can make use of its subjectivity is in the choice of its objects and its hypotheses, but later systematically proving them and with all the objetividade. In if treating to its methodology, research carried through with agricultural workers in determining moment of sc. XIX, Weber works with 3 silogismos: 1) She is of the nature human being only not to live of bread; 2) The agricultural worker is a human being; 3) The agricultural worker does not only live of bread.