The hair flatter is a very useful device to arrange its hair. However, some cares exist to have to use it with the due security. Flatters exist that can reach for top of 230C, and therefore all the care is little. Tips to use its flatter of hair in security: – Not touch with the fingers in the internal part of the plates of the flatter, when this will be in functioning. The plates reach high temperatures, therefore it has care for not being burnt. – The flatter moved away from the water Keeps does not have to use it in wet hair or wet it does not put the device in any ladoCertifique that the surface puts where it is resistant the high temperatures. – Choice the temperature in accordance with its type of fine cabeloCabelos/frgeis_ the 120 normal 160CCabelos or pintados_ between 160 and 180 strong 180CCabelos and espessos_ 200CNo case not to have much experience at least advises the use of the temperature. It follows the tips and it obtains pretty hair and in security.