Murky potion, a bee venom, a mysterious spell … and life goes on again. Healing today has acquired a huge number of names, concepts and terms. And if herbalism, cures the prayers you can still find out something about is different from what bioenergetics psihosensorikii and psychic whether energoterapevt, I decided to find a specialist and founder of the Center for Healing Arts, and Social Support – Natalia Lvovna Shareyko (k Ps. N, corresponding member Academy of Natural Sciences, Vice Chancellor UPS (St. Petersburg).
– Natalie L., which are methods of healing? – According to the classification proposed by Professor Vladimir Tonkov, president of the Institute of Psychology biosensor licensed State of parafenomenologii, system recovery can be divided into three areas: academic medicine, folk medicine retseptnaya (quackery) and paratselitelstvo. – What is the difference between bioenergotherapist, healer, psychic? – Psychic – a person with advanced perception. A healer is a man driven to help others. Bioenergotherapist can be both a healer and psychic. – What is Bioenergy Healing? – Para-healing quality of substance used can be divided into two groups, biosensors, and energy-sensing. Energy Sense uses external substance, so this effect is not limited to distance, in contrast to the biosensor.
Bio-Sense – a couple of healer in the use of their personal bio-ethereal substance. Bioenergy Healing combines both features. – What lessons can affect extrasensory on later life learning? – The most fundamental way. Classes extrasensory affect the entire bio-energetic nature of man: channels, points, meridians – all that a person has.