Dozens who beyond the fifty by the economic crisis lost his job, has become invisible the labour market and the magic number 50 for the labour market. “Too young for retirement and too old for the employer”. So what is there? One moves into the no man’s land. Okay, one possibility would be there, it lays down the sofa and wait till you die (a very bad alternative, finally it’s still good). Or you tackle interesting topics with which it dealt extensively “the disenchantment with politics”.
There is otherwise nothing to do, write applications, which done nothing out man by the way …kommt anyway. So you start to thinking about his country and the deficits. You have so much time and reads the newspaper every day, although I must say, there will be a breakfast bad about the spiritual outpourings of our politicians. Every day a different moron schemes a new nonsense. “Heavy ster wave”, oh what he swung great speeches before the elections more gross from net. Well I didn’t notice his pink promise purely and nonetheless he’s doing mischief in addition to our beloved Angie (meant ironically). More and more we are driven to ruin and none in the country strorrts. Where are the good old days of 60ziger? We went there on the road and it was a demo after the other.
The population of Germany advocated for their rights and freedom. Have we become too tired and lazy, to fight for our ideals and future? As I said, magic, which makes’s a fifty is there if no jobs more there? You could engage in bank robberies, for example, or apply to the Talliban. Really blatantly, if you think about it, what everything leads if you have too much time left. I no longer keep still for my part and was the mouth, me too much trouble, but which is worth me when it comes to our children’s future and oppressed people. You can no longer put the head in the sand if you can see how to economize with our tax dollars. It There is the purest Verschendungssucht in the upper circles, billions are inserted in the foreign country and squandered and poverty widespread in his own country. And the hand is held up again, the new Sparpacket by Merkel is the sheer derision on every citizen of this country. “We all have to tighten again the belts”, I hear this hypocritical set it as long as I can think. Not are meant to the people upstairs, but once again, and just because they can not deal with money. Every German household earns his income for the month, with which he must do himself. Or not? So it should be in politics as are handled, once in a year there are public funds and with the must run werden…mehr does not exist. They draw further from the full, should be prevented. Our country representative, as they call themselves should be paid only after performance. The people are happy, he is rewarded for his good work. There is nothing that the people there’s only a Hartz IV set. So it educates children eventually also, so that they become to responsibility-conscious adults. Contribution to the think! Sonny Miller